Chapter Twenty-Eight

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—Third Person POV.—

The man let out a huff, the chains around his arms stopping him from falling forward.

Blood dripped from the many large gashes across his skin, his wrists bruised and bleeding from the metal shackles clasped around his wrists.

He coughed, weakly letting out a breath of exhaustion "He.. Sent me.." Todoroki kept his glare steady, easily remembering the name before he turned and left.

He headed back to his manor, instantly making a b-line for his study 'Human beings are so foolish.'

'And how foolish was I?'

He pushed the door open, skimming through two of the shelves of books before settling on one 'I shouldn't have been merciful.' He pulled the book from its sitting place, flicking through its pages before a letter fell from the book.

Todoroki placed the book back on the shelf and reached down, picking up the letter before leaving the manor.

—Time Skip.—

After taking a much needed bath, Todoroki returned to his study and plopped down in the chair behind his desk.

—Flash Back.—

'"As you know, all creatures in this world hold Light or Darkness." Ibara started, Todoroki's eyes turning away from (Y/n) as he listened.

"The ones made fully of darkness are vampires, the ones made purely of light are priests like me and plain humans have a mixture of both." He rolled his eyes "I already know this."

Ibara let out an annoyed huff "Alright then, do you remember how Enders have neither light nor darkness?"

He nodded "Of course I do—" "That's exactly the problem, (Y/n) is an empty shell with no light or darkness to fill it."

'But that doesn't make sense, didn't we confirm that she wasn't an Ender?' He watched as Ibara turned to (Y/n).

"I don't want to do anything risky and hurt her." She worriedly explained. Todoroki paused before finally nodding "Fine."'

—End Of Flash Back.—

He glanced across his desk, landing on a bottle filled half way with ink '"Not everyone lives forever you know, people die every single day, even I will die some day." (Y/n) shrugged."'

An idea filled his brain, his eyes darkening at the thought 'There is a rumor..'

'Since they are empty shells, consisting of nothing. Apparently Enders get their immortality by being filled with darkness..' He leaned forward in his chair, grabbing the bottle of ink and moving it around 'Of course it's a rumor but what if..'

—Time Skip.—

—First Person POV.—

'What does he want to show me? This late at night??' I yawned, hearing the door behind me open as Shoto entered his room.

"Here." He pushed a newspaper into my hands "A newspaper..?" I questioned, my brows furrowing in annoyance. I definitely did not want to read boring stuff late at night when I would rather be sleeping.

"A gift." He corrected, getting into his bed and lifting the blanket up to his stomach "Turn to page four." I glanced up at him before doing as he said and turning to that page.



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