Chapter Twenty-Six

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—Third Person POV.—

He reached out, Kendo moving out of the way and allowing Todoroki to grab hold of the blood covered girl in front of him.

"What happened..?" His voice was filled with disbelief, dread overflowing in his stomach like a tidal wave.

(Y/n) brought in a shaky breath, her eyes glancing from his mismatched ones and moving across the ballroom.

She caught sight of the golden eyed male, his sick smile disappearing as he turned and started making his way through the crowd.

He was escaping.

Seeing this, (Y/n) lifted her arm, shakily pointing her hand out in the direction of the man "That man.. Over there.."

"That man.. The waiter.." Her voice wavered.

"He did it." Todoroki's head whipped around, his rage filled gaze instantly locking on to the waiter— Who broke out into a sprint in an attempt to escape.

But the vampire was fast, his figure moving so swift it almost seemed like he had teleported in front of the waiter before grabbing him by the neck and lifting him into the air.

"YOU." He seethed. His glare shot through the fear filled male, sending him into a bigger panic as he struggled, his body being slammed against the floor as Todoroki threw him.

"LOCK HIM UP AT ONCE!" The enraged man ordered, his command bouncing off the walls of the large ballroom and causing some guards to sprint into action, picking up the assassin and dragging him off.

Kendo stood by as Todoroki lifted (Y/n) up, cradling the trembling girl in his arms and causing a soft expression to fill her features "Come on, I'll take you two to a room."

The walk was quick and silent, Todoroki ignoring Kendo as she opened the door and allowed him to bring (Y/n) inside.

"I'll go get a physician." She informed, taking one last look of worry at the two before closing the door and leaving them alone.

Hearing the door click, Todoroki carried (Y/n) over to the nearby couch and carefully set her down onto its red cushions.

"Hang in there.. The physician will be here soon.." He assured with such softness in his voice, if it weren't for how close they where, she most likely wouldn't of heard it.

Her dull (e/c) eyes flickered over to capture his own, their gazes locking as he reached up and pressed the palm of his hand against her hot forehead.

His hand cooled, his birth given gift activating and being used to calm her fever "If only I knew which poison was in the drink.." He sighed, bringing his hand back to rub his temple.

The vampire tensed when he felt a warm hand grasp the back of his, pulling it away from his scarred face.

He watched as (Y/n) pressed his palm up against her forehead, mumbling incoherent words of thankfulness as her eyes closed.

"Don't close your eyes, look at me." He breathed, her (e/c) eyes fluttering open and glancing up at him again "There you go.."

"Hang in there, the physician will be here soon with an antidote." He repeated but she couldn't comprehend his words as the world around her blurred.

'I can't see his face very well..' (Y/n) thought, confusion seeping into her head as he continued to talk and try to keep her awake.

Our Bloody Flowers. (Shoto Todoroki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now