Chapter Twenty-Seven

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—First Person POV.—

Some guards opened the front door, allowing Todoroki to exit, his shoes quietly tapping against the rock plastered road as he headed to his carriage.

He was carrying me bridle style, effortlessly lifting us both into the carriage before the door was closed and we started moving.

I was sitting across his lap, my head resting against his chest and listening to the soft thumps of his heart beat. I know, surprisingly, he did have a heart beat.

His arms continued to cradle me, protectively pulling my form into his own "Hey Shoto?"


"I just had this thought.." I glanced up, meeting his soft expression "And what was that?" He tilted his head down to me.

'Was his voice.. always this sweet?'

I yawned "You saved me today, but I'm going to die eventually, right?" I brought up, causing him to send me a confused look "I could die at any second, even in my sleep." His heartbeat seemed to slow as I talked.

"I have no memory of a family, no close friends, no idea of what I was before all of this." I sighed, closing my eyes.

"If one day I just croak.. No one would even care." "This is taking too long, tell me this stuff tomorrow." He sighed as I tiredly shook my head "No, I want to tell you now."

I blinked and glanced out the window farthest from me "How should I put it.." I breathed "I've forgiven you for everything that happened on the day we first met."

Our eyes met for the hundredth time that day, this time his was filled with shock "Right now. I'm just glad I'm with you. You make me feel safe." I admitted with a smile, staring back up at him "Thank you for saving my life."

He was silent, his shock filled expression watching me for any doubt "Say that again."

I chuckled "Thank you for saving me."

"You forgive me?" "Yes."

"You're glad you're with me?" "Yep."

"I make you feel safe?" "Of course, even though you give off the impression you want to murder everyone you look at."

He deadpanned towards my choice of words, a large grin overtaking my features as the edges of his mouth quirked up into a soft smile and he pulled me into his chest, resting his head on mine as I closed my eyes.

"..Okay" He spoke, adoration laced in his voice as his heartbeat quickened.

—Time Skip.—

Once I had changed, instead of letting me walk by myself, he carried me straight to my room and laid me down on the mattress.

He absently lifted the blanket over me while I just laid there "You know.. I would've died right there if it weren't for you." I thought out loud, causing his face to contort into a mix of confusion, fear, and concern?

"What? Died?" He awkwardly laughed.

He turned to leave but I reached out and grabbed hold of his wrist, my sleeve coming up from the action "Wait."

He paused, his eyes catching on to my exposed arm and stopping on one area, his body going rigid suddenly "Could you do that thing with your hand again? You know, where you make it cold and put it on my forehead?"

But he didn't respond, instead, he knelt down, pulling my hand up to his face and pushing my sleeve back more.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, also glancing towards what he was inspecting.

Our Bloody Flowers. (Shoto Todoroki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now