Chapter Three

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—First Person POV.—

Stopping in front of a door, I looked up and of course just like all the other doors, this one was wooden with no markings whatsoever.

'I hope I got this right..' I thought as I held the tray in my right hand and reached out with my left, grabbing on to the handle before pausing and knocking loudly.

"Come in." I shoved the door open, careful with the tray as I took a look around the room "About time you're here."

"Huh?" my eyes flickered over to an older maid walking around in the room, she was placing different forks, spoons and knives on the small coffee table.

My eyes wandered up, noticing the desk the familiar vampire was sitting behind. A few bookshelves lined the walls of his office while two couch-like chairs sat in the middle separated by the small coffee table.

"Are you listening?" I blinked "Wait what?" My eyes focused back on the older female as she sighed "Set the food down on the table, I have already set the silverware." She commanded briefly, her form walking past me.

I took a few steps forward, placing the tray on the small coffee table, I took a step back as he nodded "Hurry, let's go." The maid called lightly from the door way.

"Oh, okay then." I trotted after her, my slightly taller form following hers as she opened the door.

"(Y/n). Stay."

"What?" I tilted my head back, my veil-covered eyes staring in confusion as he stood up, walked around his desk and plopped down in one of the chairs by the coffee table.

The maid quickly nodded before I heard a click, signaling she had left and closed the door behind her "Okay then.." I sighed, standing there awkwardly as he grabbed a fork.

"Sit anywhere." He spoke, it sounded more like a command so I nodded, taking a seat across from him while I stared at his food.

My stomach growled causing my eyes to widen.

A heat spread across my cheeks as his multicolored eyes flickered up to look at me. He raised an eyebrow "Are you hungry?" I shook my head.

He nodded, bringing the food to his lips before I cleared my throat "Wait Wait Wait" I spoke up and he paused.

His eyes locked on to me again "Hm?" I paused slightly, letting out a nervous chuckle "..You should probably let me taste test it for you." I suggested as he looked at me, his brows now furrowed in confusion.

"Why?" He questioned.

I sweat dropped "It could be poisoned! So I should taste test it first" I paused, watching as he raised an eyebrow "..That's what personal maids are for of course!" I added on with a nervous chuckle.

He sighed, bringing his hand up and gesturing for me to come closer. I stood up and came to stand next to his chair.

Once I was close enough he brought the fork up and shoved a piece of food into my mouth "Go ahead. Test whether or not any of them are poisoned."

I nodded, chewing the food.

An amazing taste filled my mouth as I swallowed.

'It's delicious!!' I mentally cried, looking down at the rest of the food that's been untouched 'I want more!"

Looking back up at him my smile dropped as I blinked "I can't tell yet, I need another bite to be sure." I chuckled lightly as he stared at me.

A vacant expression stayed on his face as he got some of the food onto the fork and brought it over to me again, allowing me to have another blissful bite.

Our Bloody Flowers. (Shoto Todoroki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now