Chapter Eight

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—First Person POV.—

I jolted awake, my eyes snapping open and frantically looking around the dark unfamiliar room. I caught sight of a small window nearby, outside held tall dark trees.

'What am I... What am I doing in the woods..??' I internally questioned, my eyes flickering around for any way out.

I sat up 'Why am I in a bed..?' I asked, instantly getting light headed from my sudden movement but after a second of holding my head and waiting for the feeling to subside, I walked around the room.

There was a table and two chairs a few feet away from the bed I had woken up in, a lonely fork sitting atop the wood.

Without a second thought, I grabbed the fork, hiding the silver utensil under my sleeve as I took some more time to scan the room again.

'A door!' I made my way over to the door, my hand reaching out and grazing over the handle, of course I didn't think of the possibility it would be locked.

Which it was.

I tried the handle two more times before sighing. Nothing else was in the room, the only other way out would be the window but by the looks of it, it's way too small.

I paused, a sound hitting my ears and causing my fight or flight mode to activate.


I quickly backed away from the door, the footsteps slowly becoming more evident as I silently ran back over to the bed.

I grabbed the blanket and threw it over me as I laid down, a quiet click, followed by the creak of the door opening and multiple footsteps followed me as soon as I stopped moving.

The door shut and the chair squeaked as it was pulled out.

Someone was now sitting not too far away from me.

"I know you're awake." The person commented, causing me to freeze "There's no use in pretending, come on, let me see those pretty eyes." The same voice continued, it sounded like a young male.

I pulled the blanket off of my head, staring at the blonde male sitting in the wooden chair a few feet away from me.

Two more people stood behind him, guarding the door, so they where far away from us "It's nice to meet you (Y/n)—" With a sudden rush of adrenaline I moved, my form flying off of the bed and tackling the man to the floor.

The table was knocked over, temporarily stopping the guards as I grabbed the blonde by his hair and yanked him up into a standing position, the tip of the fork now pressed into the side of his neck.

The guards froze, watching me tensely as I glared towards them "Call them off." I demanded, my eyes cautiously glancing between my kidnapper and his guards.

He chuckled, his guards slowly moving around the fallen table. My eyebrows furrowed more as I pressed the fork harder into his neck, a small bit of blood painting the tips "Back off, both of you or I'll kill him." I threatened.

The guards stopped again, looking towards their leader with questioning glances.

The blonde chuckled once more "Calm down (Y/n), we just want to talk." He stated, slowly reaching his hands up in surrender.

I paused, which was my mistake.

During my contemplating moment, one of the guards grabbed the wrist that held the fork, his grip tightening and causing me to drop the blonde to use my free hand to try and get his hand to let go of me.

I could feel a bruise forming as I tried to push him away, letting out a small pain filled cry towards his iron grip.

It seemed to tighten more, forcing me to drop my weapon.

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