Side story: One

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Minor thoughts of self harm/Non consent. Ngl I felt a little uncomfortable with this chap.

—First Person POV.—

"You're joking, right?" I deadpanned as the carriage jolted "No, I am not." Currently I stared at the love of my life. Who is also an idiot.

I shook my head "I told you it's okay to just drink my blood, why won't you??" I pressed, watching as he crossed his arms and stubbornly glanced away "You haven't eaten in two months already! You're going to faint again."

"Stop being such a baby and just drink it!" He shook his head "I told you, no.." His face had paled over time, dark bags slowly gathering below his tired eyes.

'But you look like you're gonna die, what's wrong with you?!' I internally yelled.

"Please, let's sleep separately for just a few days, okay?" Shoto says, causing me to turn away with an annoyed huff "(Y/n)..?"

I can't help but glance at his pleading eyes, sighing soon after "Fine."

A smile fell onto his pale features and I rolled my eyes 'Don't look that relieved, you petty vampire.' I grumbled.

—Time Skip.—

"You don't look good, so don't overdo it, and rest." I commanded, watching as he shook his head "No, I'll join you.." He spoke quietly.

"It's fine, I'll go with Nejire." I reassured, nodding in the knights direction "You did a lot just to get one of the Big Three assigned to me, remember? So relax."


The Big Three.

The top three strongest knights who are assigned to protect the king.
Mirio Togata.
Tamaki Amajiki.
Nejire Hado.
It would originally cost a fortune just to be able to meet one of the kings most valued knights, but due to these three fighting alongside Todoroki during the war. An exception was made.


He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose while I turned to talk to Nejire.

"..I should go, too." He stated, causing me to tilt my head to the side as he approached me "Are you sure you'll be okay?" I question worriedly.

"I'm fine." He reassures passively.

—Time Skip.—

I glance at the Lord "Thank you for the tour, your manor is beautiful." I compliment, watching as the older man nods happily.

"Thank you, my lady. If you think all of this is beautiful, I could show you the private gardens as well—" A thud behind me caused my head to snap back.

"Shoto?!" I yell in a panic, getting down on my knees to check on him "Shoto!" I call, hearing his shallow breathing and taking notice to the pain in his expression.

He had fainted.

—Third Person POV.—

Todoroki now sat alone in one of the guest bedrooms, the curtains where down, blocking out the sun as he placed a hand on the scar on his face.

Our Bloody Flowers. (Shoto Todoroki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now