Chapter Twenty-Three

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—Third Person POV.—

(Y/n) had spent the rest of the day working with her other teachers.

Once she had gotten a few more dances down, Mina advised (Y/n) to head back to her room and get some sleep— But sadly the (Y/n) wasn't tired.

"Okay... Left foot and then right.." She moved back and forth around her room, her bare feet tapping quietly against the floorboards in a small rhythm.

(Y/n) hummed along to the beat, chanting the moves she had been doing for the past hour and reflecting on what had happened that day.

She sighed.


The annoyed girl went to shove the door open, but paused 'You should remember your place.' She brought her hand up and lightly knocked on the wood.

"Come in." The door creaked open, causing Todoroki's heterochromic eyes stare in confusion as (Y/n)s figure entered the room.

"Are you upset?" He questioned, watching as her brows furrowed "What?" "I'll apologize on his behalf." He brought up with a sigh.

"Why are you apologizing?" "Because, if a servant does something wrong, it's the Masters fault." He informed, his gaze still not leaving her own as she slowly nodded "Sorry, don't let it get to you."

She slowly nodded again "Alright.."

Someone knocked on the door "(Y/n), One of the maids are looking for you." Ojiro called before walking away.

"Okay, be right there." She replied, heading towards the door, her head tilting back to get a glance at the vampire.

He seemed down.

—End Of FlashBack.—

'Why did he seem so upset?' She mentally wondered, her movement coming to a halt in the middle of her room.

The tapping of shoes caught (Y/n)'s attention, her eyes flickering up to stare at the door but after a few seconds of staring and hearing nothing else, she let out the breath she had been holding and turned to her window.

Her eyes caught sight of the night sky as she approached the glass, staring up at the lights before sighing again.

She closed the curtains, her hand coming up and scratching the back of her neck. With the hair moved out of the way, a dim glow could now be seen taking over the area of skin.

—Time Skip.—

—First Person POV.—

I was putting the books in his office back on their shelves, not expecting the vampire to suddenly speak.

"May I borrow some of your time?"

I glanced up to meet Todoroki's stare, he was standing near me, bending down a bit so his face was right next to mine when I turned "Yeah sure, what do you need?" I questioned, tilting my head back a bit.

"I'm going out after I eat. Come with me." It sounded more like a command than a question, but I nonetheless nodded before turning to place another book on it's shelf.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could still see him standing in his place and just staring at me "...Should I just take Ojiro?"

My brows furrowed in confusion "What are you talking about? I'm coming with you." I turned, heading to one of the other bookshelves and reaching up.

Our Bloody Flowers. (Shoto Todoroki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now