Chapter Four

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—First Person POV.—

"Are... Are you okay? You look really tired" I commented watching as he finally glanced up to acknowledge me.

He didn't answer, instead he let out a sigh, bringing his hand up to rub his temple "Should I call a doctor?" I worriedly questioned, causing him to let out a chuckle "A doctor..." He shook his head as I approached "Do you have a fever? Do you feel nauseous?"

"Why are you trying so hard?" He finally spoke up, his brows had furrowed as he leaned on his arm. I tilted my head in confusion "What do you mean, why? It's because..." I paused.

'Why was I trying help him?'

'Was it because he gave me a place to stay?'

'No.. I don't even remember where I came from..'

He sighed, laying back onto his large bed "I'm not sick." I snapped out of my zoned out state and looked up at him "Really? You're not sick?"

"That's right." He nodded, sending another glance my way before taking in a deep breath and sighing, cupping his scarred face "Go out and tell Momo to send someone to the Flora."

—Time Skip.—

I turned a corner, my eyes glancing down the stairs as foot steps sounded off. A few maids stood bunched up in a group, all of them whispering amongst each other before they looked up, noticing me and running off.

This caused me to roll my eyes as I started walking down the stairs 'At this point, I'm actually kind of happy they avoid me.' "She's so annoying. I know she's only here because she's an Ender." A voice behind me commented.

I deadpanned as I turned around, pushing a fake smile onto my lips "Oh hey Inoca, Do you know where Lady Momo is?"

The dark haired female glared as the girl she was once talking to tried to drag her away "Don't smile, it makes me nauseous. I told you not to come to the first floor."

Her words seemed to bounce right off of me as I shrugged and turned on my heel walking down the hall "Alright, you don't know I guess."

"Why you little—" I could here her seethe, followed by some footsteps 'And three, two, one—' I moved my head forward just out of her reach as I sidestepped right and moved my left leg out causing her to trip and fall forward.

I turned and continued walking, listening as she got up from the floor, yelling insults and curses while the others maids tried to calm her down. A triumph smile fell on to my face.

After searching around, I eavesdropped on one of the maids and found out where Lady Momo was.

I knocked on the closed door "Lady Momo?" I pushed the door open to see the dark haired female standing not too far away, she was wiping down a table it looked like.

"Yes? What is it (Y/n)?" She turned, her dark eyes watching me as I poked my head in "Lord Todoroki asked for you to send someone to the Flora." I explained briefly causing her to nod.

I moved out of the way so she could leave the room, my slightly shorter form following after her as she trotted down the halls.

After a moment of silence, I glanced her way and tilted my head "What's the Flora? What do they do there?" I questioned as we walked, hoping to make some type of small talk at least.

A small smile covered her face as she shook her head "I can't tell you." She paused, suddenly stopping and causing me to stop as well.

"You gave me the message, you can go back to Lord Todoroki now." She nodded as a goodbye before starting to walk again.

Our Bloody Flowers. (Shoto Todoroki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now