Chapter Thirty-Three

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—First Person POV.—

I blinked my eyes open, nearly falling out of the tree I was sleeping in as someone passed underneath.

I looked over to see the mail guy and simply jumped off the branch, landing a few feet behind him.

Hearing the thud, he spun around, a look of alert plastered across his features as his eyes landed on my figure.

Upon scanning me over, he visibly relaxed before greeting me with a handful of envelopes "Thank you!" I called as we parted ways.

Now I was trotting through the spotless halls of Todoroki's castle, my feet clicked a nice rhythm as I headed to my destination.

I was coming up to Zaka's room and paused when an odd scent filled my nostrils. My eyebrows furrowed as I looked down at the mail in my grasp, then I jolted when Zaka opened his door.

He went to greet me "Do you smell that?" I questioned with the raise of my eyebrow.

He took a questioning step forward "What do you mean?" I started to flip through the mail "I'm sure it's coming from here— I think someone sprayed perfume on it." I stated.

"Which one is it—" He swiftly grabbed the envelopes from my hands, a sheepish grin on his lips as he inched back into his room, taking the smell with him.

"I wouldn't know, it's probably nothing— Thank you for bringing the mail again (Y/n)." He rushed, taking another step back into his room before kicking the door shut.

I deadpanned "What."

—Time Skip.—

"I've sorted through them. Here's the lot for today." Zaka spoke, handing me a small stack of envelopes.

I nodded, turning to leave his office 'That's weird, I don't smell that scent anymore. Did it go into the basket for incineration?'

I glanced over to the basket as I passed it 'Zaka said he throws out the ones we don't need to give Shoto, right?'

I peaked over the edge of the basket, my eyes instantly catching onto the pink tinted envelope on top.

'What is this?' I wondered, holding the few envelopes in one hand while grabbing the pink one with my other.



"What's wrong?" Zaka called from his spot behind his desk and I glanced over my shoulder "If we're throwing it away, can I take a peek?"

"Well.. I don't think that's a good idea." My eyebrows furrowed "You shouldn't read a letter addressed to someone else, please give it to me."

I apologized, walking over to him and handing the envelope over "Who's Maeve Asterin?" I questioned, reciting the name on the envelope.

Zaka slyly smirked "Why do you want to know?" I deadpanned as I turned on my heel "Never mind. It's okay."

'Don't think about it. Don't think about it. It has nothing to do with me.'



—Time Skip.—

"Thanks again." I called, kicking the the door shut behind me as I absently flipped through the mail.


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