Chapter Five

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—First Parson POV.—

"What are you doing?" I turned to see Todoroki, his once tired eyes didn't seem tired anymore and his pale skin had returned to normal.

"I said. What are you doing?" He repeated; causing me to blink, I cleared my throat, glancing down at his hand that still held my arm.

"Lord Todoroki." I greeted before forcing a smile to my face "Are you feeling better?" I questioned cheerfully and watched as his eyebrows furrowed "You're standing there to ask me that? Come in." He spoke causing me to sweat drop and shake me head.

"No, Rest up! I can come back tomorrow!" I declined but he let go of my arm and stood up straight "Come in." He demanded a little bit more quiet like he usually does.

"I guess I'm coming in!" I chuckled, nervously following the multicolored male into his room and closing the door behind me 'What is he going to make me do now?' I mentally cried as he stood a little away from me.

"Why are you lying? You're not here to see how I'm doing." He stated, crossing his arms "I wasn't lying." I protested, now standing directly in front of him "I'm sure I'm right." "No, you're not." I stated in a matter of fact tone.

He shook his head "It's clear what you say and how you feel are completely different. Tell me why you came." He demanded once more 'I really want to drop kick you' I mentally chuckled as he continued to look down on me.

To him I had just ignored his request, choosing to stay silent instead of answering now.

"Tęłł mę." The words seemed to change, our eye contact not breaking as his blue eye seemed to start glowing.

'What's going on?' I internally questioned 'My mouth is trying to open against my will... This guy did something weird to me!' I mentally exclaimed.

I blinked, deadpanning "Lord Todoroki, why do you want to know?" He stared at me, the glow in his blue eye disappearing.

"Don't you feel anything?" He asked 'So he did try something weird.' "You're acting really weird." I stated, causing him to just stare at me with an unreadable expression.

He grabbed my wrist and dragged me over to his bed before letting go and plopping down "Just tell me why you came here." I nodded, rubbing the back of my neck with a sheepish grin "So the thing is.. Lillinith told me about the Decree.. Did you know?" I finally asked.

He nodded "Yeah." "Oh..." I breathed before continuing "I was worried that you may have the wrong idea, that's why I came." I informed "I only heard about the decree for the first time today." I explained, causing him to raise an eyebrow towards me.

"I'm not staying by your side with the motive to get rid of you and score big!" I proclaimed "I swear! I didn't..." My voice trailed off as he stifled his laughter.

He brought his hand up to cover his mouth slightly as my rambling quieted down "Uh.. Lord Todoroki..?" I questioned, tilting my head in confusion while he shook his head.

He laughed some more, moving his hand enough for me to see him smile "I was wondering what you where rambling on about." He let out, continuing to laugh.

'Why is he laughing now out of no where?' I mentally complained, staring at him as he flicked his finger towards me "Come closer." He chuckled.

His hand was still close to his face, lightly covering the other half of his smile as he reached out and pat my head with his other free hand.

"250,000 pieces of gold may have been an appropriate price after all." He breathed while I stared at his smile in amazement.

—Time Skip.—

Our Bloody Flowers. (Shoto Todoroki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now