Chapter Eighteen

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—First Person POV.—

Ojiro walked into the office, carrying another stack of papers in his hands.

I eyed the three other piles as he plopped it onto Todoroki's desk and turned to me "If he hands you a letter, place it in the basket for incineration."

"Okay." I nodded, trotting behind the desk and waiting at Todoroki's side as he went through the mail. He held a crumpled envelope out, allowing me to take it so I could toss it in the trashcan next to me.

I deadpanned, watching as he went through one of the piles, throwing away all of the envelopes except three of them.

Another knock sounded off from the door "Come in." Ojiro walked in with scrolls in his hands this time.

"What should I tell the temple?" "They'll come themselves if they need." Todoroki answered, handing me the three envelopes.

'Ew... Monoma. Gross.' I mentally grumbled, reading off the name on one of the envelopes.

I took a step back, grabbing the trash bin and heading to the door "I'll go burn these." I called behind me as I left the room.

I made my way down the stairs, the events of his strange apology playing in my head. Once I got to the incinerator room I started throwing the envelopes away.

'I got an apology, but I still feel uneasy..' I sighed, watching as all the envelopes burned in the buzzing fire 'It's annoying, I haven't even verbally forgiven him yet.' I grabbed the trashcan, throwing the rest of the envelopes into the flames before leaving the room.

When I got back to Todoroki's office, Ojiro turned to me "Read through these. If you see Shoto, Emris, or Bau, cut them out." He ordered, handing me a pair of scissors and placing a paper onto the coffee table.

I placed the trashcan back down before sitting on the one of the sofas facing the table 'Shoto, Emris, Bau... Shoto, Emris, and Bau...' I recited while cutting the names out of the paper.

"Lord Todoroki, what should I do if there's text on both sides that should be cut out?" I questioned, my eyes glancing up from the paper to the man behind his desk.

"Oh. Choose the one that seems more important." Another small smile fell onto the vampires face "Me?" He nodded "Yeah."

The two of us fell silent as I went back to doing what I was doing, but I could still feel his eyes on me, even when I looked away "By the way." He cleared his throat, breaking the silence and causing me to look back up again "You are no longer a slave, meaning you don't have to call me that."

I blinked 'What do I call him then? Petty vampire wouldn't be a good name..' I cut out another name from the paper.

"..Okay." The room fell into a small silence, since I instead chose to ignore his previous words. After a few hours, I had finished my task and someone knocked on the door "Come in."

It was Shiozaki, she came in while I stood up, greeting her as she sat down in my place on the sofa, across from Todoroki —Who had moved there after a while.— "Can't you send the emperor a response?" "I don't want to." He answered her without hesitation, crossing his arms over his chest "I can't be bothered."

"Then I'll deliver it to him, just write a simple letter that you will attend." Shiozaki sighed, watching as Todoroki went silent "My Lord?" She started after a few seconds "Thats not it, is it?" "I think it is."

"Are you referring to the ceremony when you say you can't be bothered? Really?" She questioned, Todoroki blinked "How can you go back on your word with only two weeks to go?! You said you'd come!!" She stood up in her seat.

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