Chapter Twenty-Nine

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During this chap I recommend going to Spotify and playing any playlist named "Shaketh Thy Bottom" 

Trust me and enjoy.

—First Person POV.—

Lights where strung out everywhere, the moon stood high as I walked, the wind blowing against my dress.

"Hey (Y/n)!" Kirishima stood a few steps in front of me, waving with one hand and holding a chair with a bashful smile on his face.

We where on a platform higher than the others, giving us a view of all the tables below "Hey Kirishima! You're not in your dragon form tonight?" He sheepishly nodded "Yeah, they can't really fit dragons here without someone accidentally getting stepped on." I let out a laugh as I sat down and he pushed my chair in.

"Wait!" I paused, pointing over to the large creature laying near the bonfire "Isn't that a dragon though?" I questioned while Kirishima curiously glanced to where I was pointing.

He shook his head "Nope! That's just Dark Shadow! He's a different type of dragon! He promised to stay near the fire and keep it going all throughout tonight!" Kirishima informed with a flashy smile.

"That's Dark Shadow??" I question in bewilderment. Tokoyami had told me about his ride, but from what I heard I expected him to be a LOT larger— Or angrier since it was night time? But other than that I also didn't know Tokoyami was here. I should go say hi to him later.

Kirishima nods, holding his hand out for me, I give him my hand and he leans down to kiss it "Move." Todoroki glared, stopping the red haired shifter.

Kirishima flashed me a toothy grin before stepping away, while Todoroki walked up to me "Did you get some rest?" I nodded. He walked around my chair and sat in the empty one to the left of mine.

Once he was in his seat, everyone stood—Except me because I was confused.— Todoroki flicked his hand and everyone sat back down as a waiter came and started filling my cup with a darkish red liquid.

I sent a questioning glance in Todoroki's direction but he simply grabbed his golden cup and held it up a bit.

"I have returned." Those words caused the people below to erupt in cheers so loud it could rival thunder and I watched as Todoroki took a sip from the fancy gold cup before turning to mine.

'What is this? I don't think it's blood..' I took a sip, followed by another and soon enough I was chugging down the delicious liquid.

My cup was empty now 'It tastes amazing!' A waiter came over and started filling my cup again while I waited eagerly.

"That's enough." The waiter paused and glanced up in questioning "She's still young." Todoroki stated and I deadpanned "I'm not that young." I deadpanned but his expression didn't change "Yes you are."

We started bickering before Kirishima spoke up from the chair to the right of mine "Oh come on Todoroki! She can handle a little wine, right (Y/n)?" He beamed.

"Don't say her name before she's introduced." Todoroki coldly replied, causing Kirishima to awkwardly look away "Sorry—"

After a few seconds of awkward silence, Todoroki called a waiter over and handed me a plate filled with steak and other delicious looking foods "I'll give you another glass if you finish this."

"Bet!" I declared and dug in.

—One plate and Four glasses of wine later.—

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