Chapter Two

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—First Person POV.—

A knock on the door woke me up, my eyes snapping open as I quickly looked to the door "Hurry and make your bed." Momo called as she peaked her head into the room.

I sighed in relief, a yawn escaping my lips as I stretched "Good morning to you too." I greeted as she stood at the door.

Standing up, I folded the blankets on my bedbefore rubbing my eyes "Here." I turned to see Momo approaching me, holding up a white.. Cloth?

"What is that?" I questioned, skeptically eyeing the thing in her hand "Here, sit down." She instructed, I hesitantly nodded and sat down on my bed, staring cautiously as she opened the white see through cloth.

She brought it forward and covered my eyes "Make sure you wear this whenever you're around others." Momo alerted, tightening it a bit.

"Why?" I asked as she finished tying the knot in the back.

Taking a step back, she smiled kindly "Some may think you are an Ender, this is to protect you." She explained, tying something else over my hair.

"Protect— What?" She backed away, gesturing towards a the small dresser on the side of the room. I stood up and walked over to it, staring through the veil at my reflection.

I couldn't see the (e/c) eyes behind this veil "Why do I need to—" "Hurry, we must go" Momo cut in, leaving the door open as she walked out.

"Coming!" I called, taking in one last look at the mirror before turning and running after her. Once I caught up with her, she started explaining all of the rules, talking from what to do and what not to do.

As we trotted through the halls, we would pass a few other maids every now and then, completely veilless. 'No fair.' "Are you paying attention?" She asked.

I coughed "What did you say?" I apologized to which she nodded "It's okay, just be sure to try and keep all of the rules I had listed before." I nodded towards her.

We stopped at two large wooden doors, completely identical to the ones I had seen the night before. I watched as Momo brought her hand up, knocking lightly on the door "Lord Todoroki, she is here."

After a few seconds a monotone "Come in." was heard from the other side of the door "I wish you best fortune." She nodded towards me before walking off "Yeah, you too." I mumbled, watching her leave for a second before grabbing the handle and opening the door.

I stepped into the dimly lit room, hearing the door click shut behind me as I walked up to the half and half haired male.

He laid comfortably on a large bed, his mismatch eyes flickering from the wall to look up at me "What can I help you with?" I pushed a fake smile onto my face.

He lifted his hand, pointing to a small table in the middle of the room "My pen is missing, find it." He lazily commanded.

I deadpanned, holding back a grumble as I turned and started searching around his room 'It's so dark in here.. I can see how the hell he lost it.' I mentally complained.

After a few minutes I went to open a drawer next to his bed, only to catch a glimpse of a pen on the floor next to it, I reached down and grabbed the small object, standing up with it in my hand.

"Here you go!" I beamed as I handed him his pen.

His mismatch eyes trailed from the pen in my hand to my veil, sighing before reaching out and flicking it out of my hand to the other side of the room.

Our Bloody Flowers. (Shoto Todoroki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now