Chapter Thirty-Two

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—First Person POV.—

"I'm hungry." I complain and in the reflection of the mirror I can see Jirou roll her eyes.

Jirou is brushing my hair when she replies "You shouldn't eat."

'Why do I have to get all dolled up without even breakfast?' I internally cry "Can't I just have a little snac— Ow." I jolt and Jirou pulls back a bit with a quick "Sorry."

"They're working hard in the kitchen to make a nice meal, so chill and let me finish." She returns to brushing my hair, this time, making sure to be more careful as she removes the knots.

"But I want to eat now." I huff and she deadpans, placing the brush onto the vanity "There's nothing prepared for breakfast so—"

"Then at least a—" "I'm almost done." Jirou cuts in.

—Time Skip.—

Once Jirou had finished tying my hair back and placing flowers in it, she threw me into one of my new summer dresses and we where out the door.

I was walking down the stairs when I saw Todoroki, he was dressed up as well with his arm held out for me.

I could feel my cheeks heat from his faint smile and my heart beat faster once I grabbed his out-stretched hand.

He led me outside where I saw a few carriages being loaded "Does that bother you?" Todoroki questioned.

I turned towards him with a small nod "Kind of?"

"Then I'll have them come separately." He responded "That's not— What even is that for?" I questioned, pointing towards the carriages.

"It's a carriage for transporting maids and servants." He explained nonchalantly while I stood there internally questioning why we would need maids and servants for a picnic.

He walked me over to his carriage and helped me inside.

Once we where seated, the carriage started moving and we where on the road 'Do other maids and servants not go in this carriage?' I question, glancing to the vampire sitting across from me.

'I always rode with the Duke, even when I was a maid..' I paused 'Did he... Like me from back..'

Instantly my face warmed again and I could feel myself blush at the thought, my eyes casting back to Todoroki.

"You're so handsome." I pause, the compliment had slipped past my lips without me realizing.

Todoroki's eyes flickered up at the comment "I just said that out loud, didn't I?" I deadpan, a smile falling on to his features while my face only got hotter.

"Yeah." He confirms while his cheeks become a light shade of pink.

We fall into a silence that is short lived "You look good." He clears his throat while I'm internally screaming at myself.

"Huh?" I question, not sure if I actually heard him correctly, we both pause and he turns away with a darker blush across his face.

"That dress looks good on you."

—Time Skip.—

Our Bloody Flowers. (Shoto Todoroki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now