Chapter Eleven

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—First Person POV.—

The lady brought me to a table, having me sit down before setting a book in front of me "Please look through and let me know which ones you like." She smiled, glancing to Lord Todoroki as he came walking over.

She shot me a happy—More like fake.— Look before backing off and moving to the side. I glanced towards Lord Todoroki "Are you really getting them for me?" I questioned, tilting my head as he neared.

"That's right." He nodded, pulling out the chair next to me and sitting down while I opened the book and started looking through the many shoes shown.

I flipped through a few pages before coming to a stop on a black shoe similar to my original ones "Then this one—" That's similar to the ones you're wearing now. How about.." He cut me off, pointing to a pink one next to the one I pointed at.

"Something like this?" He questioned, watching me for my reaction. I stopped my face from scrunching up at the thought 'I'd rather die than wear a flashy disaster like that.' I mentally complained.

"Since you're buying it for me, I'd prefer one the same color as our clothes, plus, it matches with my uniform." I quickly excused, pushing a smile on to my face.

He tsked, grabbing the book from my grasp "Fine, we'll just get both." He concluded, standing and heading over to the lady with the book still in his hand.

I stayed seated in the chair, not knowing what to do while he talked with the lady 'What?'

—Time Skip.—

'I thought that was the end of the Prince and the Vampire's war of gifts.'

I grumbled 'That blonde has been sending different gifts, variating from beauty products to baked goods.'

'This caused the vampire to gift me with his own gifts, their petty war continuing on and on.'

'And not long after, I received a dress from the Prince..'

A knock at my door let me know that someone was there "Yes?" I called, getting up from my spot on my bed and heading to the door.

Hearing no response, I opened the door, looking out in confusion.

No one was there, causing me to deadpan 'Don't look down, don't look down.' I mentally repeated to myself, already knowing what would be there when I did.

Of course, I glanced down to see a new gift from the vampire, it was a red box with a white ribbon holding the lid shut.

Just like the others, it held no note— Not like this surprised me. Feeling a nearby maid glaring daggers at me, I picked up the box and brought it into my room,

I untied the lid, lifting it to look at the contents inside. My eyebrows furrowed as I caught sight of the red jewel attached to the white fabric.

I grabbed the cloth and pulled it, the rest of its body coming out and causing a look of surprise to fill my eyes as I realized it was a dress.

The dress was black like my maid one but was more fancy, a white ruffle attached to the neck cuff where the red jewel beautifully glistened.

Our Bloody Flowers. (Shoto Todoroki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now