Chapter Twenty

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—First Person POV.—

I bowed alongside all the other maids, Todoroki's tall form trotting down the stairs and passing by.

"Have a nice time!" We all yelled.

He passed by all the other maids before coming to a stop in front of my bowed figure. I deadpanned, resisting the urge to tilt my head up and look at him 'Why is this petty vampire not leaving??' I mentally questioned.

Finally, after seconds that felt like hours passed, he turned and walked off to the carriage.

Once he was gone, everyone quickly dispersed and went to their rooms to change.

I turned to go to my room, only pausing to glance back in the direction Todoroki had previously been in 'That petty vampire is acting weird again.'

"Are you not going?" I shook my head towards one of the very few butlers "No, I am going, I just need to change real quick." I smiled to him, waving as I went to walk in the direction of my room.

He stepped a little in front of me "I thought Lady Momo was going?" He questioned while I stood there watching him in confusion "No, I mean the parade parade!" The guy spoke with a concerned tone.

"What are you talking about?" I deadpanned, causing him to face palm "You didn't know?? You received clothes AND shoes for it, yet you didn't know??"

After I shrugged towards his odd words, he turned around and walked away, mumbling about how expensive the clothes had been "Let's go." Jirou spoke up from the doorway and I nodded "Give me a minute!" I called to her before running to my room and changing.

I apologized to the purple haired female as we headed out the doors 'This is going to be fun!'

—Time Skip.—

Streamers hung high in the sky, the stringed triangles connecting to each building and towering over everyone who walked below it.

I let out a sigh of excitement "What should we do first?" The question left my lips while my eyes darted around at all the bustling stands.

I heard no response from Jirou as the smell of delicious food filled my nostrils and caused me to let out another sigh in ecstasy.

It took me a second to realize how crowded everything was becoming because I noticed Jirou walking away from me "Jirou!" I called to the dark haired girl, her head glancing back in confusion before she deadpanned.

She walked back through the crowd and hooked her arm around mine, guiding me out of the sea of people.

Once we where free and walking again I thanked her before asking where we're heading "Center street." She answered, a few girls holding baskets passed us and my eyes caught on to the colorful contents inside of them.

I watched the basket before tugging on Jirou's arm a bit and pointing towards it "Hey, can we get one of those?" She stared at me in confusion before glancing at what I had been pointing at.

"The basket?" I nodded towards her question "Do you even know what that's for?" She raised a brow at me.

"Yes?" She deadpanned towards the unreassuring word "You throw them and go buy what you want."

'I thought you ate them—' I nodded before jogging off towards one of the stands the girls had come from "Alright! Be right back!"

Once I got back with the basket in hand, Jirou told me to hurry up and ushered me towards the Center street.

The crowds rumbled in excitement, some people pushing against the guards up front, awaiting the start of the parade.

Our Bloody Flowers. (Shoto Todoroki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now