Chapter Twenty-Four

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—Third Person POV.—

The tray made a small clatter as it came into contact with Todoroki's desk, his mismatched eyes flickering up from his book to stare at (Y/n), who stood across from him.

"That's a lot of pastries." He commented towards the pile of jelly filled treats, knowing she had wanted some.

(Y/n)'s eyes glanced down at the bowl before she shook her head "I'd say that's not enough." She replied before turning on her heel and heading to the door.

"Enjoy your—" "I didn't say for you to leave." The temperature in the room dropped as she sent a glance over her shoulder "Oh yeah, right." She turned around and headed back to the front of his desk.

Todoroki warily caught sight of her suppressed smile "My arm hurts, bring me one of the pastries." He commanded— A playful command he didn't even mean.

She glanced between him and the bowl, her eyes settling on his mouth for moments longer than she intended.

Todoroki's own eyes watching as she moved forward and grabbed one of the pastries "As you wish, Your Grace." She spoke mockingly, the words sliding off her tongue with vague excitement as they continued to keep eye contact.


A mix of the darkened red hue had hit him square in the forehead.

"Pfft—" (Y/n) stifled her laughter, failing miserably and bursting into a loud laughing fit before she threw another pastry.

This one filled with the dark color of blueberries hit the vampire in the cheek and splattered over the left side of his scarred face.

This caused him to shut his eye as to not get any of the delicious jelly in it. Her laughter continued to bounce of the walls as (Y/n) grabbed the bowl of pastries and sprinted to the door.

Her only escape was then blocked by the vampire who had effortlessly moved in front of her and cut her off.

But she had a plan, using her dress, she slid under his arm and out of the opened door, her form bolting down the hallway before he could chase her.

Her maniacal laughter followed her, getting quieter and quieter as she disappeared off into the distance.

He could have easily chased and caught the laughing girl but the great vampire just shook his head towards their childish game before heading back to his desk.

'She has definitely changed.' He sighed, plopping back into the chair behind his desk 'She is more playful and her actions seem more genuine.'

'Almost as if she's finally not holding anything back.' He picked up his book before catching sight of the tray.

His eyes scanned over the silver platter, now missing a large bowl of pastries before his mismatched gaze flickered up to the door she had bolted out of.

This time she had evaded him by sliding under his arm, something he hadn't thought she'd be able to do with the overflowing bowl in her grasp.

But she had done it, he wanted to laugh at the matter, knowing that last time he had caught her was because she ran straight into his outstretched arm.

He paused once more, his eyes glancing away from the door before wiping some of the jelly off of his cheek and staring at the mess.

A question filled his head as he dismissively glanced back at where she once stood 'What is our relationship in that head of yours..?'

—Time Skip.—

—First Person POV.—

"You ready?" Jirou questioned, pushing me towards the closed door.

Our Bloody Flowers. (Shoto Todoroki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now