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Pre-Historic Times

Many Eons ago, Transsentient beings known as the Precursors arrived at the Milky Way Galaxy and seeded the Galaxy with life. 

The Precursors created Forerunners and Humans in their own image

Long before the Grixians have reached space, The Covenant, and many Eons before the Holy Britannian Empire. The Forerunners have ruled the Galaxy as caretakers along with Humans. 

Humanity attacks the Forerunner Planet Requiem due to a Flood Presence this resulted in the beginning of the Human-Forerunner War. As a result, the Humans surrendered and resulted in them going back to a primitive stage.  All knowledge of Humanity's past has been long gone, destroyed, or forgotten resulting in a Black Out Age.

As the Forerunners ruled the Galaxy, a parasite called the Flood is spreading all over Forerunner space. As a result, the Forerunners created the Halo rings to combat the flood. After firing the rings, this resulted in sacrificing their galactic civilization resulting in the forerunners going to extinction. Leaving behind relics, and such. 

Hundreds of Thousands of Years ago

The Grixians invented an FTL drive resulting in their first steps into the cosmos and began colonizing parts of the Milky Way Galaxy.


c. 90,000 b.a.t.b/BC

Grixians discovered the Halo Rings, therefore studying its purpose, and also discovering the flood. 

One of the Grixans met with 343 Guilty Spark giving information about the Forerunners, and their technology, and how they were the caretakers of the Galaxy, so they decided to find the Forerunners and hopefully to meet them.

After learning they gone extinct, they learned about Humanity being its closets descendants. The Grixians began observation on the humans. 

852 B.A.T.B/B.C

The Sangheili and San'Shyuum ended the War of Beginnings, merging to form the Covenant. The Council of Concordance ratified the Writ of Union, clearly defining the roles of the San'Shyuum and the Sangheili.

483 b.a.t.b/BC

The Covenant makes the first contact with the Grixians, resulting at the beginning of the Grixian-Covenant War which would last for five years resulting in Grixian Victory. As a result, the Covenant were banished from Grixian Space, with the warning that if they get close to Grixian space, they would put them into extinction. 

58 - 51 b.a.t.b/B.C.

A military expedition by Julius Caesar (100 - 44 B.C.), invades Britain twice in 55 and 54 B.C. The Gallic expedition a record of fighting at the time of "Gallic War" is all that is himself wrote. The results of the expedition over several times, Caesar is the almost the entire area of Gaul was incorporated into Roman territory, it increased further his fame.

First-year of a.t.b. / First year of A.D.

Alwin I meets with strong resistance from the local tribes, who repulse Roman Empire and he summarily becomes the first member of the Britannian. He won independence from the Roman Empire of Augustus' reign (27 B.C. - 14 A.D.), and the first year he was crowned as a Celtic tribal leader. The calendar was established by Ricardo von Britannia I. Also, the same year as the Gregorian Calendar was first used.

14th - 15th Century a.t.b.

Sakuradite (known as the "Philosopher's Stone" at the time) is discovered near Stonehenge. The scarcity of sakuradite impedes the research to turn it into a viable energy source. However, in his travels, Marco Polo journeys further into the East, reaching and discovers the nation's large deposit of sakuradite.. is born.

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