Battle of Grix

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The United Republic of America, a nation that was born from George Washington's Rebellion and was given a huge gift by an alien named Avoc. As they arrived at this new world, America has been uplifted from a primitive nation to a hyperpower interstellar nation that is now fighting with a group of a malevolent alien race called the Covenant. Now they have arrived on Grix, it is up to the URA, The Black Knights, Cornelia, and Suzaku to assist humanity's struggle for survival.

Washington City, Military Base

At Grix, MAC guns are active and in position all over the world, and to be fired at any Covenant fleet entering the Grix Planet. This would hold off and give anyone on the surface to get to safety in time. Meanwhile, the Black Knights, Cornelia, Suzaku, and Euphie were escorted to the Washington Military Base. As the MAC Guns fired at the sky, Suzaku, Cornelia and the rest of the Black Knights are quick to learn how to use Guardians. After hours of practice, they were ready to fight against the Covenant.   

Zero on the other hand were telling everyone who is in front of him about the battle they will be fighting

Zero: Today, this will be a battle not between humans, but between Humans, and Extraterrestrial life. This will be a fight that we have never faced before. But if we believe in ourselves, we can win this war. With the help of the United Nations and our other alien allies the Alterians, nothing can't stop us from losing!

Everyone cheered

Cornelia, Suzaku, Bravo Team, Jeremiah, and the Black Knights were at a simulation training center to learn how to operate Guardians, and playing on scenarios. Kallen on the other hand was a quick learner, and she mastered how to operate a Guardian. Though it wasn't her Mk II Guren, she was still impressed with these Guardians' features. Flying capacity, advanced tech, gadgets, and much more. The Simulation made it better for her to understand. Then she got off from it, and then he sees Ethan walking by to load up some ammo and checking his weapon.

Kallen: Ethan!

Ethan: Kallen? How was the simulation?"

Kallen: It was good, got the hang of an American Knightmare or a Guardian. I have to say, I'm very impressed with it. The technology you guys have is something I thought I would never experience in my life. 

Ethan: For you, it's a sci-fi series, but for us it's a reality, especially getting deployed into space

Kallen: As I heard, they are space station in the Grix Orbit

Ethan: Yes observation, defense in case of any Coveantn Attack. They are all armed with MAC guns

Kallen: What are MAC Guns?

Ethan: Mass Accelerator Cannon. It's a coilgun that is the primary offensive weapon for every UN warships. The ability for destroying any Covenant ships.

Kallen: That's amazing! Coilguns are only theoretically, but I'm glad Britannia isn't something like the URA

Ethan: Well, we are different from Britannia. We don't believe in treating our prisoners like crap unless you are Covenant.

Kallen: Ethan, I want you to take off your helmet.

Ethan: Why?

Kallen: Well we don't know when we will see each other again, so I would like to see your face again

Ethan then slowly took off his helmet with a hissing sound effect. Then it revealed his same face as he saw him back at Ashford. Kallen smiled seeing his face the last time.

Kallen: Say ever had um any interest in women?

Ethan: What do you mean?

Kallen: Well......I......ever since you saved me from falling down, I began to have these strange feelings for you.

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