Battle of Japan

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As Britannian forces move close to the Japanese islands, the Japanese forces continue to grow by the minute by the American military. Even with the Japanese new weaponry and technology, there is a big chance that Japan would win, with the help of the UNSC, most likely they would win. In Ashford Academy, Bravo Team arrived on the campus to warn Ruben and Milly about the incoming battle all over Japan.

Ethan: Ruben, I need you to get all the students to safety ASAP

Ruben: As I heard, the Britannian forces are coming back to take back Japan huh......well what we're going to do is to get every student to the water circulation level. I remember building a huge bunker down there enough in case of an attack. 

Ethan: Thank you, Ruben! You have been a good man. If I don't come back from this war, then tell Milly...thank you. 

Ruben smiled 

Ruben: I will


In the front lines, there was the United Nations, and the United Republic of America in Japanese territorial waters. the URA deployed their battleships, naval carrier, destroyers, and battlecruiser. The Carriers are filled with fighter jets preparing to battle the skies. Not only that the UNSS Infinity is in space to began its orbital bombardment. The crew of the UNSS got onto their F-302s, and began flying out of the starship and began to fly into orbit. 

In the second and final lines of defense, there was the Newly reformed Japanese military, Delta Force, and the Black Knights. Zero was on his personal Knightmare along with C2. Zero flew his Knightmare in front of the waters and spoke through the speaker.

Lelouch: Hear me Britannia! My name is Lelouch! A rebel against those who possess power! You will turn back now! We got a huge ally against you. The United Nations Star Command, The United Republic, the Black Knights, and the Newly Reformed Japanese military with new technological equipment! This is your only chance!

Three members of the Knights of the Round named Bismarck Waldstein, Gino Weinberg, Nannette Enneagram, and Dorothea Ernst were inside their Knightmares patiently waiting to the battlefield. Inside one of the Britannian ships is named Schnizel el Britannia who is leading this operation.

Schnizel: A terrible bluff, just attack now!

As the Forces began to attack, the UNSS Infinity began its orbital bombardment of the Britannian forces. All the while, the Britannian forces planned to invade the east side of Japan. Japanese and American Tanks are stationed all over the coastlines. Avocs, Washingtons, Burai MK. IIIs and other Knightmares have begun it's an attack on the oncoming Britannian Knightmares like Gloucesters, and Sutherlands. 

When the Japanese Army has been reformed, Tohdoh has been promoted to become a General of the Neo-Japanese Military. Chiba becomes a Captain of the New Japanese Military. They are now on using the Burais Mk.III Knightmares. 

Tohodoh: How does the enemy's air power look?

Chiba: The UN and the URA are concentrating on hitting them in each sector. The rest of them are in the Izu Archipelago, Sado, and Awaji

Tohdoh: Go now.......ATTACK!

As Britannian forces charge, Tohdoh's squad also charged as well. Kinectic rifles fired upon them while some used Katanas as their weapons. Each Burai Mk.IIIs got on a one-on-one with either a Britannian Sutherland or a Gloucester. Resulting majority of the Burai Mk.III winning and killing off all of the Sutherlands and Gloucester that they fought.

Bravo Team went to face the Knights of the Round in the Tokyo Settlement area. Ethan fought Bismarck, Soyeon fought Ernst, Sage fought Gino, and David fought Nonnette. 

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