Zero Things

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United Republic of America Plegde

I [name] will pledge ourselves to the President, the nation and the Constitution of the United Republic of America. For where it stands as one nation, a people united, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. So help us Avoc. 


Area 11 Interrogation Room

Suzaku was interrogated about the incident with Prince Clovis. Though the purist only accused Suzaku of a cover-up of sorts. In reality, they didn't know. 

Jeremiah: Do you know anything about this weapon?
Suzaku Kururugi was the one who used to rob Prince Clovis of his life.
The barrel striations leave no doubt, and we've done a little homework on you as well.
You're the eldest child of Japan's last acting prime minister, are you not? Your motive here is clear.

Suzaku: You're making a mistake. I have never even laid eyes on that gun.

Then one of the other purist constantly beat him up to confess his crime

Jeremiah: We've found your fingerprints all over this weapon. You're also suspected of murdering members of the Royal Guard. Come clean now, and you'll be judged as though you were born a Britannian, not some worthless Eleven.

Suzaku: You're wrong! I've done nothing!

After being interrogated bu the Pursit faction, he wasen't feel ashamed of what's happening. But it's pretty obvious he was never the culprit. Britannian scientiest Lloyd came down to talk to him as he said.

Lloyd: Congratulations! Those two you asked me about weren't on the list of casualties.

Suzaku: That's good to hear..

Lloyd: Not much luck on your end though, you may be getting a trial, but no one is pulling for you certainly.

Suzaku: But the courts are where the truth comes to light.

Lloyd: I expect there'll be more smoke and mirrors than anything. The truth is scarce of late.

Suzaku: If that's how the world works, then so be it. I've no regret.

Lloyd: Oh yeah, don't forget you damaged the Lancelot, my knightmare

Suzaku: Lloyd you have to believe me, I didn't damage the Knightmare, I've encoutnered something taht wasen't a knightmare

Lloyd: Really? Are you saying that it was something else that destoryed it?

Suzaku: Yes but I'm just very confused on what just happened. 

Suzaku explained what he just witnessed. After that Lloud put his thumb and his point finger at his chin.

Lloyd: Hmm this is very interesting, well if you say it's true, I believe you

Outskirts of the Ghetto

Lelouch or Zero has told Kallen to meet him at the Tokyo Tower, observation deck along with Ohgi, Yoshida ,and Sugiyama.  Once she arrived there was no one to meet, but only a phone call from a claimed lost lost phone. As she did, she took it and got another phone call. Only this time she was told to outbound train in loop 5 along with Ahogi, Yoshida, and Sugiyama. All of them boarded on the outbound train as they did, they then recieved a phone call again from Zero.

Kallen: What now?

Lelouch: Face forward and look to your right. What do you see?

Kallen: The Britannian city. It was stolen away from us and built on our sacrifice.

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