Compromise well not really

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Area 11

For the past few decades, Britannia, the EU, the Chinese Federation, Area 11, and the Middle East Federation have been getting weird sightings in the sky. From glowing orbs in the sky to flying saucers, and some UFOs have wings. Ethan was looking through the newspaper about some strange UFO sighting. From his perspective, he knows what the UFO is. 

Ethan: Pft it's obviously it's the F-302 fighter-interceptor 

Ethan said in his mind. The image on the newspaper was blurry, due to being so high up. In Ashford Academy, everyone was talking about these strange UFO sightings. Everyone assumes it was aliens. Some might have an idea why the UFOs are appearing in the sky. Some think aliens are checking up on humans, some think they are preparing something, and some think Aliens are just observing them and they have no interest in humans. 


Hokkaido Base

The hidden American base in Hokkaido is run by many people. The CIA, military, Hamilton Corporation, and many others, The Americans built a teleportation device inside the base to get from Grix to Earth, or Earth to Grix. This supposes to be the day that one of their Supercarriers, the URSS, or known as the United Republic Star Ship, Infinity arrives at the Solar System with numerous amount of aircraft, spacecraft, ground units, and much more. In total there are at least 15,000 people on board the URSS Infinity. There are at least hundreds of these types of Supercarriers, the Lexington is the most advanced and largest Supercarrier spacecraft in the URA Space Force. Only 10 supercarriers are going to arrive at Earth for some time. While the rest of the Supercarriers will be exploring the Galaxy. (note: The URSS Infinity is about the same size as the UNSC Infinity, but 5x bigger). 

The URSS Infinity arrives at Earth but hiding in the dark side of the moon. The Captain of the ship, Captain Lasky began to communicate the Hokkaido Base on Earth. 

Lasky: This is Captain Lasky of the URSS Infinity over

At the Hokkaido Base, General Jason Carter was speaking through the microphone

Carter: This is General Carter of the Hokkaido Base

Lasky: The URSS Infinity has just arrived and we landed on the dark side of the moon

Carter: Perfect now all you guys gotta do is wait. 

Lasky: Actually I was hoping I could send some of my troops to the base

Carter: Permission granted, remember to activate the stealth when you enter the Earth's atmosphere

Lasky: Thank you


Britannia has declared war on The Middle East Federation for some time. Cornelia was stationed to be at the Middle East Federation under the order of the Emperor. The MEF has their own version of Knightmares called Bamides. Unfortunately, the Middle East Federation lost the battle, and now it is under the rule of Britannia

Cornelia: Another victory. Area 18 has been established.

Subordinate: My Lady, about our next course of action.

Cornelia: Sorry to have you clean up after my foolish younger brother.

Subordinate: Please don't apologize, my Lady. We live to serve and our place is with you.

Cornelia: Humph. Do you think the Area 11 needs our usual treatment?

Subordinate: Yes, my Lady.

Cornelia: Good.

Cornelia: I'll drive you into the open, Zero. Clovis will be avenged.


United Republic of America, Washington City

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