False Classmates

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The year was 2017 of the Imperial Calendar, American Colonist from the Planet Grix has finally made their comeback against Britannia. General Keyes has to lead his troops to Area 11 to fight off the Britannian forces. Bravo-1 Team was amongst the people to save the majority of the Japanese Citizens from death. Finally, the Americans have evidence of Clovis's action hopefully this would bring Area 11 to a stalemate. In fact, American has been at War with Britannia for over 200 years.

URA Congress

Pres. Fiota was in congress to listen to the events that have gone on in Area 11. He can hear the constant argument over the situation until he signaled them to stay silent.

Senator 1: Now Clovis is gone, they are going to replace them with another viceroy, what is going to be your action with this Mr. President

Senator 2: There have been countless casualties on men, women, and children. Those Britannian are nothing but sheep. They must be paid for their crimes. We should reveal our existence

Fiota: I understand Senator, but it's not the time yet. I promise you under my administration I will reveal the world's existence and we will take back the North American continent. Now there is a chance that the new viceroy will very extremely ruthless, disciplined, and most of all, pure hatred towards the natives.

Senator 3: Who will it be?

Fiota: According to the CIA, it said that Princess Cornelia li Britannia will be taking her brother's place to secure Japan. Not only that her sub-viceroy would be Euphemia li Britannia. From what I heard she is different from the rest of the Royal Family.

Senator 1: What is that

Fiota: Euphemia is more a pacifist, and doesn't wish to fight anymore instead she wishes the Japanese to live a better life along with the Britannians.

Senator 2: Hmm doesn't seem to be a threat

Finally, after some talks, everyone agrees to an idea where the President will make the decision. He also aborted the idea of taking C2 back to Grix. After all, he is the Commander-in-Chief. As he returned to his office, he began writing some notes. After writing it, he called up the Secretary.


Bravo-1 Team was celebrating their victory by bringing some dinner back to Ethan's home. They have bought in-n-out along with Ethan's favorite. A double-double with animal style and animal style fries. As everyone enjoyed their food, they can hear a knock on the door. Ethan walked up to the door and answered it.

???: Bravo-1 right?

Ethan: Uhh yes why?

???: Is Bravo-2 Bravo--3 and Bravo-4 with you?

Ethan: yes why'd you ask

Leon: I am Leon Kennedy, CIA. May I come in

Ethan: Sure!

Leon then sat down with the whole Bravo team. He could smell In-n-Out, but since he was CIA, he can handle it.

Ethan: So what do you want from us

Leon: Bravo Team, The President wishes you to be assigned as espionage. This boy is named Lelouch Lamperouge or should I say, Lelouch vi Britannia along with his sister Nunnally vi Britannia.

Sage: I see, former Royals

David: How is this a problem

Leon: Well according to sources, Lelouch managed to get a hold of a Geass power by CC. So your mission from the President is that i want you all to attend Ashford Academy and disguise yourself as students.

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