Ch. 3 - Face to Face

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They finished loading the cargo fairly quickly. It was an easy thing to do when everyone working were all super strong. Eva was in the truck with Karli taking inventory in the back when suddenly she heard the door open and someone step inside. She tucked herself back pressing her body against the crates. She looked over at Karli who was doing the same. When she peeked through a gap in the crates she was not prepared for what she saw.

Her Tin Man, a bit scruffy with short hair and older than he was before (which made sense). He seemed to be speaking into an earpiece as he was examining the crates. She was frozen in place watching him when movement in the corner of her eye caught her attention. Karli was peeking out. "Oh you idiot." Eva thought to herself.
"Hi." She heard him say and Eva snapped her head back to him. He was talking to Karli.
"Found the hostage." He spoke into his earpiece again.
"You okay?" He asked her and Eva's stomach was in knots from not knowing how this would play out. She sees Karli put on an evil grin and panics.
"No wait!" Eva screams as Karli kicks him out of the truck. She ran out from her hiding place and stands beside Karli with a frightened concerned look on her face.

Bucky's body slammed into the windshield of the truck with overwhelming force.
"Shit!" He exclaimed. Then he saw her for a split second. Blonde hair that was in a ponytail whipping in the wind and those green eyes were undeniable. Before he knew it he was being pulled up on top of the truck.

Eva watched Karli mask up and jump to the next truck. She worked fast to put on her backpack and cinch the straps tight. Giving herself a running start she made the jump herself. She landed on the cab of the truck in time to see Karli give her Tin Man a flying punch.
"Let him go you guys." The all ignore her in time for Eva to notice a drone approach and bullets began to fly. Eve sprinted to intercept it, snatched it out of the air and crushed it on her knee. Eve whipped back around and her Tin Man spoke to her for the first time.
" I always wanted to do that." The comment made her smile but it was short lived as he got punched in the gut.
"Just let him go for a minute." Eva's pleas were falling on deaf ears and Karli flew past her.
"Good of you to join the fight Sam." Her Tin Man said as he finally shook off one of the guys pinning him in place.

Sam suddenly gets thrown over to the other truck leaving Eva feeling like a deer in headlights. Frozen and unsure of what exactly to do, a big disc flew past her head. She looked up to see a helicopter and a man jump and tackle her with a shield. She gets thrown back but recovers quickly only to be kicked off the truck by some guy playing Tarzan. She caught herself on the edge of the roof and takes a second to pull herself up. Looking over she sees her Tin Man hanging at the bottom of the other truck his arm being stomped by a flag smasher.
"Oh hell no!"
She crossed the gap and immediately stomped the guy's face and ripped him up off the truck and back over her head. She slid down the side and her Tin Man was using his metal arm to drag the ground.
"Grab my hand." She yelled reaching for him. He went wide eyed.
"Come on, grab my hand." He was slowly reaching for her when his friend flew underneath the truck and scooped him away. Seeing where they were rolling she calculated her own landing.

Running off the road and walking the distance to where they landed. Every step closer made her heart beat louder in her chest. She was about 10 feet away from them when they were alerted to her presence and snapped into defense mode.
"Whoa! Easy there fellas, I'm a friendly." She said with her hands up slowly closing the distance.

Bucky was completely dumbfounded as he looked at her and the memories came flooding in again. She was talking to Sam but her words were barely registering as his brain went into overdrive.

"Who the hell are you." Sam asked.
"The best explanation I can give you is Phoenix."
"Phoenix as in..." He began but was cut off by Eva.
" in three ...N... One ...X. I'm your informant, Eva Sinclair." She dropped her hands and walked over to shake Sam's hand.

"Sam Wilson, and this is..." He motioned over to introduce Bucky but they were already face to face.
"Heya Tin Man, do you remember me?"
"Yes, and call me Bucky."
"Hi Bucky," She replied smile beaming. "We got out."
Bucky returned her smile with a crooked one of his own and nodded his head. "Yeah, we got out."

They just stared at each other before Eva surprised him with a hug. It shook him for a second before he relaxed to reciprocate. She was about 5ft 3 and was able to rest his chin on top of her head. Bucky looked over at Sam who was wearing a puzzled smile.

"Now i'd hate to interrupt," Sam gestured wildly "whatever this is... but we should get going."
They separated akwardly.
"Sorry," Eva said. "It's a long story."
"I bet it is." Sam replied cheekily.

They finally began walking down the road with Sam separating Bucky and Eva. Both of their heads still reeling over the events of the last 30 minutes.

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