Ch. 28 - Precarious Situation

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******For the Sake of clarity all radio communications coming in to the characters are labeled simply as the character's name being underlined.******

The GRC was voting on The Patch Act tonight which would displace over twenty million people by extraditing them back to their countries of origin. Families would be separated and people would be uprooted from the lives they had built. It was everything Karli and the Flag Smashers were against and understandably so, but the extreme measures Karli took completely negated all the good she was trying to do. That is ultimately what brought Eva here today. When they got off the phone with Sam they got to work preparing for battle. Bucky was hard at work cleaning and oiling their handguns, filling extra clips with bullets, and sharpening all their knives. Eva however synched up her cellphone with her brand new arm computer from Shuri, began coordinating with Torres on technical specifics and she assured him that his readings were indeed correct. She hacked into the Flag Smashers App and uploaded it unto Bucky’s phone so he would have access to some of the same information not knowing what might come in handy. As she was going over the building specs she received a text message from a number she didn’t recognize.
Little Lamb, It appears that Sam has contacted Miss Carter and she will be present when you take down Karli tonight. Please use caution.
She starred at her phone screen with a heavy heart. Even in prison, Zemo was still trying to watch her back.
Thank you my friend. I wish you were here to watch my back for me.
It was the truth too, with Sam and Bucky blind to the obvious evidence pointing to the fact that Sharon was the Power Broker it put Eva in a very precarious position. She had a target on her back now from both sides. The only thing she had going for her was that Sharon thought her identity was secure and Eva would have to milk that for all it was worth.
Alas, I would but it is too short notice for arrangements to be made. I believe in you Eva. Update me when it is all over.
Eva was thankful that her back was to Bucky so she let the tears fall from her eyes. She quickly dried them up but Zemo stayed in the back of her mind. They suited up and put their coms in their ears. They hailed a cab and made their way to Manhattan, the belly of the beast. NYPD had the area on lockdown for several blocks around the building but Bucky had no issue getting through the barricades. When they were a block away from the building Eva hit a button on her computer and silenced her and Bucky’s coms for a minute. She stopped and put her hands on her hips and breathed deeply.
“I need a minute Buck.” She said.
He saw the concern written all over her face and took her into his arms. “We’ve got this doll. This ends tonight.”
She clung tight to him wishing he would understand what was so heavy on her mind. Wishing that she knew the outcome of tonight. Wishing that Zemo was by her side too. Wishing that it wasn’t all on her. She looked up at those ocean blue eyes of his that had been in her mind for as long as she could remember and choked down her emotions. She took his face in her hands.
“Whatever happens tonight Buck, I love you. I need you to know that.” He rested his forehead against hers.
“I love you too Eva, but we’re not doing this. This is feeling like good bye and we are not doing that.”
She shook her head in understanding and he kissed her. She decided not to tell him about the same feeling of impending dread that was filling her. The same feeling she had the day Lemar and Nico died.
She turned their coms back on and Eva followed Bucky through every barricade. With every step she willed her body to convey the confidence that her heart was lacking.
Sam came in over coms. “I’m almost there.”
“What’s the plan?” Bucky asked.
Sam: Karli’s gotta be close. Keep your eyes open.
“Well it could be anybody.” Bucky said leading them through the last barricade where one of the officers addressed him as Sergeant Barnes. The respect for him made Eva smile.
Sam: And by the way, I called in some backup.
The confession from Sam made Eva cringe internally yet as they walked they were stopped by some man asking if they were supposed to be here. They both turned to look at the man but he pulled off the digital mask revealing herself to be Sharon.
“It’s me.” Sharon announced upon reveal of her face.
“Sharon, what the hell are you doing here?” Bucky asked and Eva tried to maintain a straight face. She wedged herself between Bucky and eva and drug them along by their arms.
“Relax, no one’s looking for me here.” She said.
Sam: Do I hear Sharon?
“Unfortunately.” Bucky said and Eva had to agree, but Eva patched her into their coms nonetheless.
“Hey Sam, thought I’d get the band back together.” Sharon said.
Sam: Thank You. You’re risking a lot coming here.
“I hear pardons aren’t all they’re cracked up to be.”She said.
“Depends on the therapist.” Bucky wisecracked.
Sam: They’re gonna move on the building soon. Be ready.
Bucky and Eva pulled Sharon aside and brought her up to speed. Eva swiped a few things on her arm computer and brought up a 3D Schematic of the building and began pointing everything out to Sharon.
“I just sent these to your phone Sharon but here’s the sitch. We are here at the south side entrance. The vote is taking place in the chambers all the way up here where Sam will be breaking into from this bank of windows here on the west. The main stairways here, here and here and these are the only access points for the roof and the parking garage. That is literally all we have right now.”
Once Sharon was up to speed they continued on patrolling the perimeter together.
Sam: Guys, what’s going on, on your end?
“Nothing, All quiet.” Bucky said.
“Too quiet. We need to get inside, Now.” Eva added.
“No one’s Moving toward the building.” Sharon said cementing what Eva pointed out.
Sam: Karli’s not coming in. She’s trying to force everyone out.
Eva listened to Sam trying to coordinate the people where he was when she heard a brief skirmish.
“Sam, you ok man?” Eva asked
Sam: You guys are gonna have to do something don’t let them out of the building.
On entry Eva and Sharon both triggered the metal detectors.
“Oops” Sharon said and Eva was almost tempted to chuckle.
“Here’s one of them.” Bucky pointed out to his right. “I’ll get the Evac.” Leaving Eva alone with Sharon Carter.
She stuck to Sharon like she was glue heading to the basement parking garage. She kept her ears on alert to the coms listening as she kept her other senses present with her body. She heard Bucky answer a phone given to him saying it was Karli.
“Alright Buck, I’m pairing the phone through your earpiece so we can all hear.” Eva said as Bucky spoke to Karli.
Eva listened as both her and Sharon hid behind the cement support columns in the basement parking garage. People were being loaded into NYPD S.W.A.T. vehicles but that wasn’t what concerned her.
“Shit!” Eva exclaimed.
“What?” Sharon asked.
“They’re sealing the trucks with electromagnetic locks. There’s only 3 ways to open those doors again. remote control, shorting them out with an EMP, or severe brute force and I’m talking the p.s.i. of a Hydraulic Press. Those just became rolling coffins.”
“Shit!” Sharon said, and the vans rolled out. During that revelation of Eva’s, the phone call with Karli ended and Bucky raced down to the parking garage. He hot wired a motorcycle that was there while Sharon scolded him only making Eva want to punch her he spoke into the coms as he sped off.
Bucky: You guys get your man, I’m going after them. Eva, keep Sharon safe.
“You be careful Buck.”
Bucky: You too Doll.
“Doll?” Sharon asked her and Eva didn’t bother to hold back another death glare as they stalked a guard but instead Sharon threw some device towards the van he had gotten in.
“Well that’s one down.” Sharon said smugly. Eva didn’t have the attention span to care about Sharon bragging to Sam and just kept on her sweep. Sharon went back outside and told him to hurry up. Eva took some time to look into the Flag Smasher’s app to see if she could track anyone’s movements but it just became a waiting game. Bucky was going after the S.W.A.T. vehicles and Sam was on helicopter duty leaving Eva listening, feeling helpless, and basically like a sitting duck ripe for Sharon Carter.
Sam was busy getting the helicopter sorted, but Bucky was having issues when one of the vehicles caught on fire putting people in danger.
“Bucky, you have to smash that lock. It’s the only way to open those doors.” Eva instructed, praying that it worked out, but somehow it did. The fighting carried on and Eva listened to Bucky fighting and Walker showing up. Eva was really hating being on the outside at this point but she kept busy by keeping Sharon hidden and helping to secure the scene. Eva knew the sounds of the smoke grenades being used to provide cover for a getaway and she pulled Sharon to go in pursuit of them with her.
Eva’s hands were actually itching to be of use. She pulled up the area schematics and pointed out where they could most likely intercept Karli.
Bucky: Eva, Sharon. We’re underground. We entered the tunnel on William. Heading south.
“Copy that.” Eva said. They were already approaching from the East and Eva felt the urge to say some silent prayers but it was cut short by a knife being thrust into Eva’s back. She screamed as she felt it puncture her right lung and she fell to her knees. In front of her Sharon had her gun out pointed at whoever was behind her. Eva felt small hands grab her hair as she struggled to breathe and her head was slammed down into the concrete. Eva’s world faded to black.

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