Ch. 23 - I like her

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Eva stood beside Ayo and watched Bucky approach Zemo first. Eva stared straight ahead but felt Ayo look her over.

"You care for James?" She asked Eva.

Eva looked at the inquiring woman. "I love him."

Eva turned back towards Bucky and Zemo.

"Your eyes have seen the same darkness within James."

"That's one way to put it."

"The darkness does not define you, the light within you is too strong. Yes you are a good match for James."

Eva looked over at Ayo. "Thank you."

The gun that Bucky had pointed at Zemo was now down and that was their cue to come get him. Eva walked along side the warrior women and felt out of place to say the least. She bypassed Zemo and took her place beside Bucky.

"Ladies.." Zemo said addressing the Dora Milaje surrounding him.

"I took the liberty of crossing off my name in your book. I hold no grudges for what you thought you had to do. " He said to Bucky to which he responded with a nod.

"My little lamb, I shall miss you the most. Should you need anything, Oeznik is at your disposal with whatever you may require."

Eva threw her arms around Zemo's neck and hugged him tight. "I'll miss you too my friend. I'll write to you." She whispered in his ear and kissed him on the cheek before letting him go.

"Goodbye James, Goodbye Eva, my little lamb." Off Zemo went with his trio of Dora Milaje escorts.

Bucky gripped Eva's hand tight as they watched him walk away.

Ayo came up beside them and started talking.

"We will take him to The Raft. Where he will live out his days. It would be prudent to make yourself scarce in Wakanda for the time being, White Wolf."

"Fair enough." Bucky replied and Ayo started to walk away. "Hey" he called out. "I may have another favor to ask of you." Ayo came back over kinda irritated idea of another favor.

"What is it James?"

"Can we use your ship to call Shuri and send something to her please?"

"Come on then."

Bucky turned towards Eva and winked at her before pulling her along.

In the ship Ayo called up the palace lab and Shuri popped up on screen.

"Ah, my favorite broken white boy! You know there those here who are not very happy with you White Wolf."

"I hope you're not one of them Shuri."

"What do you need Bucky is the arm okay?"

"The arm is fine I was hoping you could whip something up for me, a suit for Sam Wilson."

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