Ch. 41 - 1949

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Still trying to shake the initial shock, Peggy invited her 5 visitors inside. “Well this is sure to be quite the story, I’m just going to call Steve inside.” Peggy said leaving them in her living room. Eva listened as Peggy called for Steve to come in from the back door and Eva took a deep breath grabbing a tight hold on Bucky’s hand while looking to Sam. He came over and rested his hand on her other shoulder for added support which he could tell she desperately needed. A moment later Peggy was returning with Steve hot on her heels. “Darling, as you can see. We have visitors.”  

Steve stepped into the room and he seemed larger than life. “Bucky, Sam what are you guys doing here?” He said with surprise in his eyes but a big grin on his face. “Not that I’m not thrilled to see you two, but you guys being here doesn’t exactly scream social call.”  

“You would be correct, sadly. Daniel Sousa, pleasure to finally meet you.” Sousa said introducing himself to Steve with a handshake.  

“Sousa, Yeah you were Peggy’s parner right?” Steve said shaking the man’s hand.  

“That’s right. This here is Agent Daisy Johnson, my partner both in the field and out.” He said pulling Daisy to his side and smiling at her.  

“It’s such an honor to meet you both.”  

“Daniel, I spoke to you yesterday. You were running the field office in Los Angeles, and you certainly didn’t have a partner.” Peggy stated trying to get to the bottom of what exactly was going on here.  

“Technically Peg, I still am there. That was 9 years ago for me. It’s a long story just go with it for now.” Sousa told her.  

“Who might you be then?” Steve looked at Eva and her mouth went dry.  

“Uh, I’m Eva Sinclair.” Eva barely croaked out.  

“Eva, is my fiancée. We’re getting married in a couple of months in Wakanda.” Bucky said proudly wrapping his arm around her shoulders.  

“Are you kidding me? That’s incredible bud!” Steve said giving his friend another hug. “Congrats. Eva, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Steve said genuinely, giving her a small hug.  

“Yeah, you too. Surreal but very nice to meet you nonetheless.” Eva said before stepping toward Daisy and Sousa reaching for the file in Daisy’s hand. “The reason we’re here is because we need your insight on an old case of yours involving Leviathan. May we go to the dining room so I can lay this all out for you?” She asked Peggy.  

“Leviathan you say? Well certainly, come.”  Peggy said leading Eva, Sousa, and Daisy into the next room leaving Steve with Sam and Bucky.  

“I’m so happy to see you two, you guys want a beer? Yeah?” Steve leaves and quickly returns with 3 beers in his hands. “How long has it been since I left?” Steve asked.  

“About 8 months.” Bucky answered.  

“And you met a girl and got engaged in 8 months? What do you know about her?” Steve asked.  

Sam started laughing. “It took a whole lot less than that!”  

Bucky gave Sam his signature death glare before clearing up things for Steve. “I knew her back in HYDRA...” Bucky and Sam took turns filling in Eva’s inclusion into their lives including her being a clone.  

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