Ch. 45 - Sure, Someday

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Valentina stepped forward with her hands up. “Well you’ve got me Eva. But we all know you lack the nerve to do anything that actually needs to be done.”  

Eva laughed. “You know Valentina, that used to be true. But then you killed my unborn daughter.” Eva said as she conjured a magical whip in her left hand and captured Val’s right wrist. “You captured my friends.” Whip conjured from her right hand and captured her left wrist. Lifting Valentina into the air she stepped forward. “You decide to use them for your perverse experiments. See I’m not the girl you once knew. You made damn sure of it countless times in countless ways and here you two are still trying to manipulate me. I don’t need the nerve to do something about you. I have them.” Eva tilted her head in the direction of Bucky and Zemo. Elisa raised a gun towards Eva and Bucky shot her in the shoulder making her scream and drop the gun. Zemo then opened a portal at Eva’s feet directly underneath Valentina using the Wand. Valentina and Eva both felt the excruciating heat coming from the portal which was opened directly above the mouth of an active volcano.  

“P-p-pp-please Eva, this isn’t you. Don’t do this.” She began to plead.  

“No, it’s not. But who am I to deny my ‘auntie’ finally seeing the woman she and my mother both desperately wanted me to become?” Eva spit out as she released the whips and watch Valentina fall to her Firey death. Manually closing the portal behind before turning her attention to her mother who was now sobbing after watching the love of her life be killed by her only daughter.  

Zemo yanked the woman up to where she was eye to eye with her daughter. “What are you waiting for Eva? Kill me! “ The woman choked out between her tears.  

“I’m sorry dear, the living aren’t done with you yet.” Zemo said repeating the words spoken to him by T’Chala years before.  

“Mother, you aren’t worth the soap it would take to wash your blood off my hands.” Eva said coldly turning away as Bucky punches her out cold. Eva spoke into her earpiece. We need some help in here getting Sam, Sousa, and my mother out of here. Hey rocket? I want you to work on blowing this place into ashes.  

Eva went to work downloading everything off of their servers before overlading them and destroying them as the others took care of Sam and Sousa. Wong came and put Elisa Sinclair directly into S.H.I.E.L.D. Custody. When all was said and done, Wong and Strange took care of taking everyone home including Zemo who promptly returned the Wand. Before Strange sent him back to the Raft he had questions.  

“Why did you trust me with such a powerful relic?” Zemo asked.  

“Short answer? Eva trusted you. I know Eva wouldn’t have even suggested it if she didn’t have complete faith in you and she was right. You did well Baron.”  

“Thank you Doctor.” Zemo said stepping through and swapping places with the android once again.  

After a couple of hours of working to clear out the facility completely Rocket was able to blow it up cackling with excitement as he watched it collapse withing itself before Strange took the guardians back to their ship. Sam and Sousa were just fine and were now being fawned over by their respective girlfriends Kora and Daisy.  

Eva and Bucky finally walked back into their house sluggishly after stopping and picking up some burgers and milkshakes from their favorite diner. Bucky watched as she picked at her fries and left her burger half eaten.  

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