Ch. 8 - Riding with the Baron

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Zemo led them into another section of the warehouse filled with a gorgeous assortment of vintage cars.

"So first move is grand theft auto?" Sam asked uneasy about the whole situation.

"These are mine, collected by my family over the generations." Zemo answered as he began to gather various items from different cars. "I spent years hunting people HYDRA recruited to recreate the serum"

"That god damn serum." Eva seethed at the mere mention of it. Zemo regarded her outburst for a second before he continued.

"Once it's out there; someone can create an army of people, like the Avengers."

"Isn't the reason the Avengers exist in the first place because of fanatical groups like HYDRA and rogue Gods utilizing alien armies to take over the planet as their own personal playground or worse? People who think other people are just Cannon fodder to use as a means to get what they want.... Like you got example?" Eva asked sincerely getting into Zemo's personal space. "For fucks sake you can't take a breath without Newton's Third Law of motion coming in to bite you on your ass." Zemo was amused by Eva and honestly a bit surprised by her tenacity.

" I was the one who put the Winter Soldier Program down for good in Siberia, I actually saw your old room."

Eva snapped her head up at that information. "So you know who I am?"

"The Black Sheep of HYDRA, Eva Sinclair. Was going to be handed the keys to the kingdom on a silver platter and spat in their face."

"Oooh big bad criminal read a few records and files. Someone get this man a cookie." Eva replied sarcastically.

Zemo continued on. "My file reading led me to end the program and hopefully to the serum. Lucky for you I have no intention to leave my work unfinished."

"I guess you'll be killing me by the end of this too then." Eva said casually. Zemo's head snapped up to look her in the eyes.

"You took the serum?" Zemo asked truly confused.

Bucky finally stepped in uncomfortable with the length of their exchange. "They used her a guinea pig when she was injured and told her they were antibiotics."

"I wish I didn't have it." Eva said sadly. "I know how it twists who you are and the position it puts you in to be used. I never in a million years would have chosen it. If you know my history, you know exactly why. I just just got autonomy over my life a few years ago, I can't. Not ever again."

"I am truly sorry that happened." Zemo told her sincerely. She gave him a slight nod in thanks and began to wander looking at all the cars while the men ironed out details. Thankfully being with Sam and Bucky she was finally with people she felt like she could actually trust. Suddenly her flag smashers phone buzzed in her pocket. It was a text from Nico one of the other super smashers, the only one she even slightly bonded with.

Nico: Where are you?Karli said you left us? WTF man, are you okay?

Eva: I'm Fine Nic, something came up. I'm sorry. You know my heart hasn't been in it since she dosed me.

Nico: Karli fucked up big with that , I'm sorry.

Eva: It's getting dangerous out there for you. You know how to reach me if you need me. Be careful. X

When she hit enter on that last text they were finally ready to go.

Some time later they arrived at an airfield walking towards a private jet.

"So all this time you've been rich?" Sam asked in a half accusing way.

"I'm a Baron Sam, my family was royalty before your friends destroyed my country."

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