Ch. 42 - Bean wants Watermelon

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So, while I'm posting this with tears in my eyes I have to tell you all that I am sooooooo sorry for what you will read. Side note, Today is August 13 which is not only our man Sebastian Stan's birthday, but my birthday too So Happy Birthday to my birthday twin born 4 years before me. That being said, I'm still sorry.

Chapter Text

Goodbyes were said at the plane and while they were heartfelt, they weren’t nearly as emotionally draining as the visit with Bucky’s family. Back at home they called Mack and filled him in on everything they found. Sam was now leading an entire taskforce dedicated to finding and bringing down Leviathan. Daisy, Kora, and Sousa were now assigned to assist with the investigation. What they all agreed is that Bucky and Eva were to stay behind the scenes only. Bucky only agreed because he couldn’t trust anyone else to keep Eva and their child safe. Eva and Bucky made arrangements with a local construction company to continue the work they were doing in their Louisiana house and decided to settle down in the Brooklyn house for the time being. It was close to S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ and Bruce could keep track of Eva and the baby’s health. The very first day they were back in New York was spent at Stark Tower with Bruce running every test imaginable. She was right at 6 weeks pregnant and everything seemed normal. With all of that out of the way, Eva explained the Leviathan situation and showed him the formula.  
“This formula is incomplete Eva. It’s missing the catalyst to cause the change and trigger the mutation.” Bruce said after examining it.  
“Oh, I’ve already got that covered.” Eva said right before shoving another chip in her mouth and scribbling in something into the formula. “See adrenaline is the catalyst. When they used the serum to change Wade, they put his body under extreme stress in order to spark the change. Now, at the levels that are needed; pharmaceutical adrenaline would kill the subject which is why old fashioned torture is they only way they have been able to make it work.”  
“That’s so barbaric!” Bruce exclaimed. “How do you know all of this?” He asked.  
“My friend Wade went through this before. Do you think you need some blood samples from him?” She asked.  
“Actually that would be really beneficial. Could you set it up?”   
“Sure I’ll tell him to come by.” She took her phone and Shot a text to Wade and he agreed to help, never one to turn down another chance to exact revenge for what had been done to him.  
Back at home a few hours later in their basement S.H.I.E.L.D. and Stark Industries had set up a sweet Tech station to run oversight for the Leviathan Task force. Much to the chagrin of Bucky, she also insisted that Zemo have access to whatever tech he needed to help them with their investigation including being able to have video calls in the security of his own cell which Eva was about to take advantage of right now.  
Zemo’s face popped up on her screen and she did nothing to hide her smile from Bucky.  
“Hey Zemo.”  
“Ah, Little Lamb! I should have known you were the one to thank for all my shiny new toys!”  
“Yeah well, you’re going to need it. We’re going after Leviathan and shutting them down. I need you.”  
“Of course, you need me I’ll be there always. What have you been able to find out?”  
“They have the formula for a serum that triggers dormant abilities locked in the human genome. I’ve seen the results of that and it’s unsettling to say the least. But those soldiers you killed in Siberia that were part of the Winter Soldier program were also being used as lab rats for Leviathan. They discovered that the mutant serum in conjunction with the super soldier serum would trigger multiple abilities. I don’t need to tell you that it puts a rather large target on my back, Bucky’s back, and a certain unnamed super soldier to come.” Eva said putting a hand to her stomach.  
Zemo’s honeyed eyes turned dark and his jaw clenched. “You’re with child?”  
“Yeah, right at 6 weeks.” She said and Zemo could see the fear and worry cross her features.  
“Say no more, I will do everything in my power to ensure you and your kroshka remain safe.”  
“Thank you Zemo.” She said with tears in her eyes.   
“Don’t cry little lamb, we will take them down.”   
“I know, I’ll talk to you soon.” She ended the call and sobbed. Bucky came over and wrapped his arms around her.  
“You know, for once. I’m kinda glad to have him in our corner. The way he looked at you just now, he’s willing to lay down his life to keep you and the baby safe.”  
Eva sniffled, “I know.”  
They postponed the wedding until after Leviathan was taken care of, but days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Eva started passing the time by turning Bucky’s childhood bedroom into the baby’s room going into full nesting mode, at least for the furniture and decorating. She took inspiration from the dark blue and yellow in Bucky’s baby quilt that Winnie gave them. She and Bucky painted the walls beginning from the bottom a dusty sunshine yellow that was painted in an ombre effect ending in a dark midnight blue that covered the ceiling as well. Then on the ceiling they used glow in the dark white paint and covered the ceiling with every constellation and filled in the remaining space with a smattering of yellow stars. The finished product was something out of a dream and only took them 2 weeks.  
After that she took up Doctor Strange’s offer to train her in the Mystic Arts, but only after dozens of assurances that it would be safe for her and the baby and a reminder that Strange was a Medical Doctor before he became Sorcerer Supreme. Just as Strange predicted, she was a natural. Easily managing to conjure her astral form after only a few tries. Wong would bring by books for her to read and she devoured them one by one having a photographic memory like Strange does. Unlike Strange, it was easy for her to believe and surrender herself to the magical world. Bucky watched in awe of her for hours read and practice, if he wasn’t already madly in love with her seeing her curiosity and hunger to learn in full force would have done it.   
Eva woke up early needing to go to the bathroom, when she came back, she stood leaning against the door frame enjoying the view. Bucky was sprawled out sleeping rather soundly which was happening more often now. His nightmares began easing off when they got together but in the months of being together, they had become few and far between. As if the little bean knew she was thinking about her daddy, she felt a very distinct movement in her stomach.  
“Whoa, well hello Bean. Bucky? Come here really quick.” Eva said loudly ripping him from sleep.  
“I’m up! You okay?” He asked rushing over to where she was standing.  
“Here.” She said taking his right hand and pressing it to her stomach. A second later she felt the kick underneath his hand. The concerned crease that was in between his eyebrows flattened and his eyes lit up.  
“That was the baby?” He asked. She nodded with a grin.  
He got down on his knees and started talking to her stomach again and this time he pressed his cheek where his hand was before and was met with another kick. “Whoa, easy there Bean you’re gonna hurt your mama kicking like that.” He joked and stood back up. “Good morning, doll.” He said beaming down at her leaning down and kissing her. She held him tight to her deepening the kiss and Bucky gladly followed her lead picking her up and wrapping her legs around him and carried her to the bed. Laying her down. He pulled her tank top over her head and yanked her panties down her legs before settling himself between her legs licking slowly up between her folds before sucking her clit into his mouth making her gasp. He worked her into a frenzy quickly before sliding two fingers into her and making her scream. This was his favorite thing about Eva being pregnant. Her usual high sex drive was amplified by her raging hormones meaning he spent a lot of time pleasing his woman and he was living for it.  
“More Buck! I need more!” That was his new favorite phrase in her vocabulary. He pulled her hips closer and flung her legs over his shoulders and bared down on her. She was in a constant incoherent phase as her orgasms came back to back to back. He was meticulously lapping his tongue in her gathering every drop of her essence or else there would be a puddle forming on the bed with the force she was cumming. When she pulled up on his hair he knew she needed something else. She flipped him underneath her and forcefully mounted him.  
“Oh FUCK Eva!” He moaned out as he felt her squeeze around him right away with another orgasm. He learned quickly when she was feeling like this that all he could do is lay back and enjoy the ride and did he ever. She rode him like he was a bucking bull as she surrendered herself to her needs. He was barely able to hold on to her hips as his own orgasm was rapidly approaching. She began cumming once again and she leaned down kissing him as he growled out with his own orgasm. She was left laying on top of him breathless and as structurally stable as a pile of jello.   
Bucky laughed slightly at her exhausted form. “Alright, come on doll.” He said lifting her up into his arms and carrying her into the bathroom. “I think you earned a bath.”  
“MMMM bath with Bucky.” She sighed burying her face in his neck as he walked. He ran the water and added bath salts they made for her in Wakanda to help with the numerous aches and pains associated with pregnancy, Bucky just liked the smell of it. He carried her into the tub with him and she settled her back against his chest. He took care, running a washcloth over every inch of her and then relaxed himself.  
“So, what’s on the schedule for today?” He asked.  
“Honestly, I need to get out of this house. Can we go to Prospect Park and hit up the Farmer’s Market? Please???? Baby Bean wants watermelon.”  
Bucky laughed. “Sure, anything for the bean.” He said kissing her neck and rubbing his hands on her stomach. “But you gotta wear your sling ring. I need to know we have an exit just in case.”  
“Understood, Seargeant Barnes SIR!” She barked out complete with a salute.  
“Ha ha, very cute doll. You know we have to be extra careful right now.”  
“I know, I know Leviathan could be lying in wait around any corner.” She sat up and ran her fingers through her damp hair in frustration. “I’m just sick of sitting around waiting. I’m sick of hiding.”  
“I know, but there is nothing we can do. I feel the frustration too, trust me.” He said rubbing her back.  
“How are you not going mad Buck?”  
He sighed and pulled her back flush against him. “Doll, the only thing keeping me sane is focusing on keeping you and the baby safe. That is my only job, and it’s the best one in the universe.” He said kissing her cheek and wrapping his arms tight around her.  
They finished the bath and got dressed. Eva portaled them directly to the park and they began walking around the different vendors. They had been walking for a couple of hours when they settled down beneath the shade of a tree with their lunch. She had barely gotten into her food when she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.  
“Buck, we need to go NOW!” She put her hands up and moved right hand in a tight circle and opened a portal. Bucky helped her up and a searing pain went through her stomach as he rushed them through and the portal closed behind them. Eva collapsed on the ground screaming.  
“Eva, honey. What’s wrong?” He asked concerned through her screaming. He helped her to her back and in her stomach, right in her baby bump a large dart filled with some substance was sticking out. He pulled his phone out and called Doctor Strange. A moment later he was by his side and they were carrying Eva through another portal directly into Doctor Banner’s lab. Bruce put Eva on a constant drip of a sedative and Eva was able to conjure her astral form as Bruce worked to figure out what happened.  
“Eva, what happened?” Steven asked.  
“I honestly don’t know. One minute we were sitting under a tree in Prospect Park and then I felt a sinister presence so I conjured a portal right away but I guess I was too late.” Her ghostly form began to float back and forth as if she were pacing. “The whole day we watched everyone. We weren’t followed, we didn’t notice anyone out of the ordinary I don’t know. I....”  
Strange conjured his astral form and took her hand and did a spell showing the events as Eva saw and felt them. ”There is no one in the direction where the dart came from.” Eva’s astral form began screaming in pain again and vanished.  
Strange returned to his body and Bucky was rightfully freaking out.  
“What happened, she vanished.”  
“It’s the pain Barnes. She’s in a lot of pain and it was too hard to maintain her astral form with that.” Stephen said leaving Bucky alone to go help Bruce.  
Bucky was pacing the hallway outside Banner’s lab when Happy Hogan joined him.  
“Hey man, FRIDAY alerted me that you and Doctor Strange portaled in Eva. Is everything okay?”  
Bucky sank down the wall and sat on the floor. “We were at the park and Eva was attacked. A dart hit her stomach and she started screaming in pain so I called Strange and we brought her here. I have no idea what’s going on now.” He said felling utterly defeated and useless with no idea what to do about it.  
Happy grunted as he settled down next to the former assassin. “Banner and Strange in there with her?”  
Bucky nodded.  
“Well then you know she’s in the best hands on the planet.”  
“I know, just patience isn’t exactly my best virtue.”  
“Patience isn’t anyone’s best virtue in situations like this, but at least you don’t have to worry and wait alone.” Happy said lightly punching Bucky in the knee.  
They sat in silence for the next hour until Bruce and Strange stepped out. Bucky helped Happy to his feet before turning his attentions back to the good doctors and Banner began speaking. “The substance in the syringe was a poison designed to attack yours and Eva’s genetic code. I was able to neutralize it before it could affect Eva, but I’m afraid the baby......”  
Strange didn’t need foresight to see what was about to happen. He opened a portal somewhere deep in the wooded wilderness in Canada and pulled Bucky through. He punched a tree 3 times before splintering the trunk of a hearty tree clean apart knocking the 50ft length away from it’s roots. What followed was a bloodcurdling scream that sent all the wildlife in the area far away from the epicenter of his agony. Strange hovered behind and up out of the way as Bucky brutally ravaged through the previously untouched scenery. An hour later Bucky still showed no sign of stopping and the text from Banner had said that Eva was beginning to come out of sedation.  
“Barnes, Eva’s waking now. We need to go back. She needs you.” Bucky froze at the mention of her name with the only parts of his body moving were the sweat dripping from his skin and his chest heaving with the deep breaths he was taking. He straightened up out of his fighting stance and nodded silently following Strange into the portal back. Banner had a towel and a clean shirt waiting for Bucky and left him alone in the treatment room with Eva to clean himself up and wait for Eva to awaken. Bucky sat on the stool by the bed and took her hand and held it against his cheek letting the tears finally fall from his eyes. He had no concept of time anymore and had no idea how long he sat crying against her hand when he felt her other hand in his hair. When he looked up at her, her face registered the tears streaming down his face.  
“What happened Bucky?”   
Banner stood outside with Strange and Happy as they listened to Eva’s screams of anguish and sobs knowing the deep emotional pain she was going through right now. The pain both Bucky and Eva were feeling.   
As soon as Eva was medically cleared a few hours later, she portaled herself and Bucky home. Going to the kitchen she pulled an entire bottle of bourbon out of the cabinet for each of them and went into the basement. She hit some keys on her keyboard and called up Sam and the Leviathan taskforce, Zemo, and Wade. When all members were present, she finally started chugging the bourbon before she spoke.  
“I’m done pussy-footing around, gathering intel, and waiting around doing nothing. Leviathan came after me and Bucky today with a custom cocktail of ‘Fuck You’ and killed our daughter. I need the latest satellite locations for Valentina and whoever she has sneezed around for the last week. Leviathan is going down, and they are going down NOW.”  
They all worked together through the night and found what they assumed were the headquarters of Leviathan. A secret underground facility located deep in the mountains of West Virginia. Sam agreed to fly down with Daisy and the others to recon and would get back to them. The others got off the call and refused to do any more work until Eva got some rest. Eva was livid and threw her keyboard across the room and lodged what didn’t shatter into the wall.  
Bucky came over and tried to hold Eva but she swatted him away. “No, No Bucky. I’m not done being mad yet. I need to take them out. They have to pay for what they did to us.” Tears started welling up in her eyes. “For what they did to her. Buck, we were going to have a little girl.” Tears were falling down in full force and her voice leaned in to the crying. “Bucky, she was right here yesterday and now she’s not.”  
Listening to Eva cry on top of what he was feeling about it made it nearly impossible to stay and not go after Leviathan himself but he couldn’t leave Eva alone to cope. He wrapped his arms around her once again as she finally gave in and sank into him already soaking his shirt in her tears. He kept himself together just long enough to carry her up the stairs and lay down in bed with her and once he did he gave into his emotions again and cried with her.

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