Ch. 6 - Don't get on her bad side.

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The next hour of the flight was spent filling Eva in on their history with Zemo. At the end of it Eva was pacing the length of the plane anxiously running her hands through her hair. Stopping between the two men finally speaking. "It's the only play we have, and I don't like it at all." Rubbing the back of her neck with her other hand on her hip she asks Bucky, "How confident are you that he can't gain control of you again?" Her concern was painted thick on her words.
"They're just words at this point." Bucky said.
She groaned in defeat. "I swear to God if he reactivates you I will flay him alive, fry up his skin, and make him eat it."
Sam's eyes about popped out if his head when she said that. "Wow, that's a bit twisted but I'm with you there, but damn remind me not to get on your bad side."
"To be fair Sam, she can do far worse." Bucky said nonchalantly.
Eva rolled her eyes and sat down beside Sam.
"Bucky don't scare the gizzards out of the old bird." Eva teased and patted him on the shoulder as she pulled her kindle out of her pocket.
The rest of the flight was uneventful, at least in Sam's mind.

Bucky couldn't help but watch Eva while she read. She was objectively about the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. While she was beautiful she was very different than other women. She was kind, intelligent, hilarious, and while those were all admirable traits something else threw him. She had made him feel things that he had forgotten how to feel. When he was holding her a calm washed over him that penetrated him. Holding her was more peaceful than the time he spent in Wakanda, it felt like..... Well it felt like home. She was like the sun breaking through the darkness and bringing a new dawn, warm and life-bringing awakening parts of him that was once cold and dead.

He watched as she absently mindedly chewed on her nail as she read wondering how soft her lips would feel against his. The sounds that could escape from them as he explored her body completely. Then he stopped those thoughts. He didn't deserve those gifts or even these thoughts. Darkness was going to be his constant companion, the sun could just burn too much.

She was here, in front of him just existing and the cycle starts all over again. How could he forget her even for a moment of time? He was truly in awe of her. She knew intimately the darkest part of his life, never fearful, never judging just accepted him for it all. She was like a puzzle where the pieces didn't quite fit. Stubborn as hell; like Steve, got herself in a mess by trying to do something good. She was making a real mess of his head. So he continued to watch her, looking for any insight into her. Distance; while almost painful, was safe. God he wanted to taste her lips.

Eva had to resist fanning herself. Bucky had been watching her the entire time and had her body tingling from her hair down to the tips of her toes. Reading had become a down right struggle, rereading The Count of Monte Cristo in the original French. It was proving impossible and she didn't understand why he was affecting her so. Rereading each sentence 3 times and and chewing on her nails hoping to be able to chill out.

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