Ch. 25 - Do the Work

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Eva sent Bucky inside first to shower so she could stay on the dock and finish her beer. As she was about to go back inside Sam sat down beside her.

“So, how was the tool shed?” He asked cheekily.

“It wasn’t your bed, that’s how it was.” She knocked his knee with hers in a playful way.

“Well at least you two can listen, Look Eva I don’t know how I can Ever thank you.”

“Look Sam, it’s your family’s legacy, one that is actually worth preserving. But it’s important to you, which means it’s important to me. Besides, imagine my prissy HYDRA leader parents who were racist rolling over in their graves knowing that I gave the black man carrying Captain America’s shield some of my trust fund to help him. I mean that thought is really the gift that keeps on giving.”

Sam started laughing his ass off, especially as she began making faces and imitating them. When she was done they sat in silence together for a minute.

“Well I’m gonna go take a shower and head to bed where I will not be having sex.” She said moving to get up.

“Hey Eva, you don’t think you and Bucky are moving too fast do you?”

The question got her thinking for a good minute before answering.

“I don’t know. It doesn’t feel like it. Just being with him, I don’t know how to describe it, it’s just different. Maybe we’re making up for lost time. Maybe we were both starved for something good in our lives that we’re milking it for all its worth. Whatever it is, it’s not just some flash in the pan fling. Okay I really gotta go to bed. I’m making breakfast in the morning.”

“You cook?” He asked incredulously.

“Well my food has yet to kill anyone yet, but there is a first time for everything.” She said before giving him a small hug. “Good night Sam.” She said getting up.

“Good night Eva.” He called out behind her.

After her shower, Eva piled her wet hair up into a messy bun before entering Sam’s bedroom where she found Bucky sitting up cross-legged on the bed completely immersed in The Fellowship of the Ring on her Kindle. She laughed as she crawled unto the bed beside him.

“It’s good right?”

“Very, it’s different from The Hobbit, but in a good way.”

She patted the bed beside her as she tucked her legs under the blankets. “Come on, you can keep reading but I gotta get some sleep. Hit the lights too would ya?”

“But how can I keep reading?”

“The screen lights up sweetie.”

He chuckled. “Sometimes I love living in this time.”

Bucky turned off the light and laid down. She tucked herself against his side and laid her head on his shoulder as she played with his hair. Sleep claimed her quickly but even in her sleep her fingers stayed in motion in his hair. After a while he put the Kindle down on the nightstand and laid there, his mind wandering. She loved him, she actually loved him he couldn’t believe his luck. He imagined the house that Eva mentioned. He imagined a life with her, he imagined having her on missions with him. Working together and then coming home with her. Making love to her into the wee hours of the morning and then lounging in bed afterwards. He imagined himself on one knee asking her to be his forever. He imagined her in a white dress walking towards him. He wanted a future with her. He actually wanted a future. He wanted a life beyond today for the first time since the war. He wished Steve could see him now, but something was strange. Eva sometimes said and did things that really reminded him of Steve. Her heart sometimes seemed to echo Steve Rogers. Not in a bad way, just little things added up and he would be reminded of his friend. He ended up falling asleep and the nightmares came but began fading away. More memories of Eva flashed through his mind mixing between them. They provided a brief relief, shining a light through the darkness within him.

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