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That's Fire! Literally

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That's Fire! Literally...Fire!

THE SUN WAS SHINING inside my one-room apartment waking me up, I rubbed my eyes and threw the covers off my body. I heaved out a loud yawn and flopped back on my bed, it has been 2 years since I left the confines of my wealthy family in France. They wanted an arranged marriage between me and a man 2 decades older than me for 'business' purposes and I wasn't having any of it, So I packed up all my things and some cash I had saved up and left. Now I live in the big apple and own my original boutique a few blocks away from my apartment building.

Today I was supposed to get a new set of dresses I had designed so I lifted myself from my plush blanket and walked into the bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth and showered exiting the bathroom with a towel around my body. I put on a white blouse and some mom jeans along with beat-up white converse. I then cooked myself some breakfast and packed a small lunch. 

A knock on the door interrupted my little dance party in the kitchen but ran to the door already knowing who it is. I slide to the door in my socks and open the door and immediately jumping on my boutique investor/bestfriend/favorite person in the world Brendan.  


"Elle! I missed you so much!" He recently went to California for a month to visit his long-distance boyfriend but now he's back with him in New York and moving in together soon. "I have someone for you to meet" 

"Is it Parker?" 

"Yeah, he's downstairs finding parking he'll be up in a minute, Btw I love what you did to the apartment" He looks around my apartment smelling the white flowers on top of the kitchen island and new lighting that gives it a bit more of a homey look. 

"How's The Red Rose doing?" The Red Rose is the boutique we own together, Brendan was loaded with useless money plus was my neighbor, we met 2 years ago and grew into mature people together even though he's 2 years older than me and somewhat a little less childish than me. So now we're bestfriends and co-owners of La Rose Rouge or in English The Red Rose. 

"It's doing really well, a new package of male clothes is coming at 10:30 and I am headed to pick it up right now. You and Parker can come with, I guess" I bite into a Nutri-grain bar while scrolling through my phone. 

"Let's get to it then!" He shouts and marches out the door, I grab my tote bag with my necessities and follow him out the door. He calls Parker and tells him where we'll be.

"How's it going, Jerry got any mail for me?" I ask the middle-aged doorman

"I do mon amour, let me get it for you" (My love) He reaches into box 134 and pulls out a set of letters, and hands them to me. "There you go and don't you look beautiful this morning Ellowyn" He praises me. Jerry has always been a father figure towards me ever since I left France and I cherish him deeply.    

"Oh quit it, Jerry, you're making me blush!" heat crawls up my face at the compliment and he laughs lightly.   

On the walk there a fire truck passes by us at lighting speed but I think nothing of it, it's New York after all. We finally arrive there and a large group is surrounded by the store next to my boutique all with worry etched on their faces.  

I hear the words 'fire' and 'its burning' here and there and my movement goes quicker with Bren catching up, I reach the front of the group after politely pushing through people, 

"," Brendan exclaims, The building next to my boutique is set in flames the fire creeping towards the boutique rather quickly. 

"That's my shop!" I yell to no one in particular, "Ma'am I'm going to need you to step back for your safety, we are doing all we can to save everything but we need your cooperation" one of the firefighters say. Brendan pulls me back, "Cmon Elle let's let them do their job" I allow myself to be dragged away but I don't take my eyes off my boutique going up in flames. 

All my hard work is gone, I left my family for this boutique, I put every pint of blood, sweat, and tears into it. Now it has vanished into piles of ash, I cast myself into Brendan's chest and start sobbing. He strokes my hair and places a kiss on the top of my head. 

"It'll all be alright," He says "It might take a few months or years but we'll get it back, I mean at least we can renovate" 

"No, Nope. You need to focus your money on moving in with Parker, not on the boutique" I raise my head and wipe my tears with a sad smile on my face. "You're moving on with life and I can't hold you back from that" 

"But you're my best friend Ellowyn, I'd do anything for you" 

"I know that and as you're bestest best friend I'm asking you not to worry about the boutique, I'll find a way to get it back on my own" After a few more arguing statements he backs down and agrees. On our way back we meet up with Parker, we greet each other and we make our way back to my apartment, Bren filling in Parker on what we saw. 

"Oh my god I'm so sorry, I can tell you worked hard on it just by how much Brendan talks about it" I nod solemnly. But for the rest of the morning, we get to know each other and have a lot of laughs until they leave to go house hunt at noon. 

I walk to the supermarket and grab a cart, I grab tubs of ice cream I can dunk my sorrows in, and some snacks to fill plastic bags with to give out to the homeless as I do every weekend. I reach up to the mango sorbet and retreat when I see another hand coming to take it.

I get off the tip of my toes, "Oh I'm sorry, you can have it I have enough anyways" The handsome man seems surprised by my french accent and smiles lightly at me, he takes it without a word though. I stand there taking in his looks for a moment before giving him a tight nod and continuing my trip to the supermarket. I grab some bags of chips and granola bars. I roll my cart into the juice aisle and take some naked juices and go to the individual check out and an employee helps me pack my bags. I give them a tip and smile brightly at them. I tie my hair up and grab the bags with both bags. They're a bit heavy though. 

"I could help you take them home if you'd like" I hear a voice say, I look back and see the guy who took my mango sorbet. I smile lightly and shake my head "I couldn't possibly let you do that" I grab the bag again and wince at the weight. 

"I don't mind" He takes the bag out of my hand making our hands brush against each other, I feel the coldness of the silver rings he holds on his fingers against mine and let him take the bag out of my hand. 

"Well, Thank you..."


           I just needed to get this idea out of my head, If you're reading this then welcome to TMLH or The Mafia Leaders Help!

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           I just needed to get this idea out of my head, If you're reading this then welcome to TMLH or The Mafia Leaders Help!

There will only be an Aesthetics Page, Prologue, and Chapter 1 for now just to give you a taste of what coming soon!

But I'm letting you guys make a choice! You could choose to let PW go on hold till I finish this book or this goes on hold for PW to finish, It depends on who's story you like better!

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