Chapter 29

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Peace and Quiet

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Peace and Quiet


THE SHRIEK CAME FROM TWO TODDLERS, Karah and Sage to be exact.  

Brendan and Roman tensed alike, while I had the biggest smile on my face. 

They both ran to me and stuck to both of my legs, "Bonjour, mes amours!" (Hello, my loves!)

They both giggled and raised their arms, I carefully pick up both of them and look at Roman. 

They hadn't even looked at him since we entered the door, "Looks like I'm the favorite" 

I smiled triumphantly and went to the kitchen where my mother was serving my favorite dish, chocolate-covered crepes with strawberries. 

"Mama, pls!" Sage pointed to the plate. 

"You want some, amour?" My mother's eyes widened at both babies in my arms, Sage nods and smiled.   


"Not now, we'll talk about it later" I whispered and placed the twins on the dining chairs. 

I cut the crepes into bite-sized pieces and give them to Sage and Karah, I watch them eat the plate of crepes while watching some cartoon on their tablets. 

"Why do those kids call you their mother, Ellowyn?" My mother rounded the counter and sat next to me putting a fresh plate of crepes in front of me. 

"I'm the only mother figure they've had, I guess they got attached...and I won't say I haven't also" I take a bite of the dish.     

"Mama" Karah appears next to me with her tablet in hand.

"What do you need, bébé?" (Baby) 

"Up" She lifts her arms and I smile picking her up, placing her on my lap where she continues to watch her cartoons. 

"Well it looks like you've accepted it" My mother smiles "I've waited so long to see you with kids, whether they be biological or not"  

I take a paper towel and clean Karah's dirty hands full of chocolate, "I have accepted it...and if I were to leave these children it wouldn't be willingly" 

A tiny bit of shade to the womb donator doesn't hurt

A clearing of someone's throat made me, Karah, and my mother jump up, It was Roman standing near the entrance. 

"Can I have my children back?" He said coldly leaving me speechless, I just simply nodded and took Karah off my lap. She immediately protested, "No! No! Up!"

"I'm sorry, go with papa" I pointed at Roman who had his arms open and she hesitated but then fell into them. Sage dropping his tablet and doing the same. 

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