Chapter 32

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I knew what was waiting for me at home and I couldn't wait to hold her in my arms. Tell her how much I needed her. But most importantly commit to her. 

I had never felt this way about anyone before. The rush I felt when I saw her was exhilarating. 

Everyone cheered on the plane as Dario made a toast, "Cheers to the death of that evil man!" 

FLASHBACK (Third Person)

"Okay, so how are we taking out this fucker?" Alex downed a glass of sparkling cider, it was the closest thing he had that looked like alcohol.  

"The easiest way, bombing" Dario exclaimed looking at Roman who fiddling with his phone. Clearly distracted. 

There was only one explanation, "Hey!" Dario yelled calling Roman's attention. 

"Did you say something?" Alex burst out laughing while Dario sighed. 

"My bombing?" 

"Yes, Cyanide bombing" He took out a packet that was heavily wrapped, little crystal-like things inside of it. 

"Explode this inside, wait till they all come out coughing kill all guards one by one, make our way inside there with gas masks and kill Jacob if the cyanide hadn't already" 

"Except one" Alex exclaimed. 

"What do you mean?" 

"There's one called Taylor, El specifically told me not to harm him. He's like a brother to her or something" Alex spoke while Roman's eyebrows furrowed. 

"Why did she tell you?" 

"She was mad at you" He explained further "So she came to me and told me to relay the message" 

"Let's get this show on the road" Dario sighed and packed up the items needed.     

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Hours later the plan was in motion, bombs broke, masks were put on, people came flooding out of the house. 

Snipers only aimed at guards, avoiding all prostitutes and children. But Jacob Laurent still hadn't come out of the house. 

Everyone who had come out of the house was passed out of too hazy to figure out what was going on. 

Roman, Dario, and the addition of Alexandro plus some men entered the house searching for one man and one man only. 

Gunshots rang out as they made it through the house, bodies thudded on the ground and bullets entered heads. 

They finally got to the office, given by the floor plan of the house they had Jamie hack for. 

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