Chapter 30

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I had to make her hate me. But the truth was nothing was going on between me and Vera. It was all a lie.

We never had an affair. She wasn't an assassin. She was never on an operation. The reason Amelia left was still unknown.

I could see how much she was hurting.

She even tried to drown herself. But I had to let her go.

It wasn't even based on my own motives anymore.


My phone began blaring as I made my way out of the shower, taking a towel I rubbed my wet hair as I pressed the phone to my ear.


"Mr. Vaughn...Such a pleasure to talk again" Jacob spoke on the other end.

"I wish I could say the same, Mr. Laurent"

"No need to be hostile, I have a proposition for you. Man to man..." I stopped everything and leaned against the bathroom counter.

"You're not getting her, or her mother" I bluntly say, and he just chuckles.

"I think you'll want to reconsider...see I have quite a view on your beautiful children. Sage and Karah?" He chuckles before I hear a bit of ruffling "They're so precious, just playing with their grandparents...not knowing their heads could be on platters for what papa does"

I stiffen and my voice goes colder, "Lay at least a finger on their heads and you're dead, Jacob"

"I'll die soon but that's where the deal comes in, son, If I can't have my daughter...neither can you. Let's call it fatherly love" I resist slamming my phone on the wall.

"We both know you think you're not good enough for her, she's too pure...Let her go or it's your children, quite an easy decision, right?" I can feel his smirk from the other side.

"Alright" I suppress the strain in my voice "Just give me your word that you won't hurt them or her"

"I swear it over my rusty old heart...But just know that I'll know if you don't comply, Mr.'ve already figured out there's a rat...I wonder who it could be" He chuckled and the dial goes dead.



So I started distancing myself from her- She wouldn't give up so I decided to call reinforcements. That being Vera.

I hated seeing the look of hurt in her eyes but if she knew the truth I'm pretty sure she would choose Sage and Karah. Even if it meant her own pain.

I wasn't even one step closer to finding this rat that he mentioned either.

His words were stuck in riddles and I had no way of figuring them out. It was a goose chase but without the goose.

Without this traitor gone and Jacob eventually dead, there was no way I could make any of this right.

So here I was, Vera curled up in the master bedroom and I on the couch. I refused to sleep next to her or anywhere near. She wasn't the one who made my nightmares go away. I desperately wish she was.

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The kitchen was empty except for someone on the stool, glasses laid on the tip of her petite nose. They were way too big for her and they looked absolutely adorable.

"I didn't know you used glasses" She jumped and took her face out of the book she was reading.

"I don't" Was all she said. I looked closer seeing there were just frames. No lenses.

"They aren't real" She mimicked my words her accent coming out.

I hummed and pulled out a carton of orange juice. Nothing came out of it and into the glass.

She snickered and put a glass of her own to her lips. The glass filled with orange juice.

"You think you're so funny huh?" I growled out, an inch of a smile on my face.

"I'm hilarious" She deadpanned and cracked open her book again, she raised the glass again downing almost the whole glass, leaving only a drop of it in the cup.

She pushed it towards me with a bright smirk on her face, "Want some?"

I let out a breath and rounded the kitchen island towards her, I reached down and pulled on the stool she was on. She let out a breath and looked straight into my eyes with a conflicted look.

"What do you want?" She breathed out, a smirk reached my face at how irritated she was.

I slowly reached up dragging two fingers up her jaw, she rose her face to give me more access. I grabbed the side of the glasses folding them. Not once letting go of eye contact. I tossed the glasses onto the counter.

I inched closer and she does the same, not a thought running through my mind. Her hands roam my neck.

They were so soft and dangerous at the same time.

Our lips only graze, Her tongue comes out licking her own lips. The scent of the orange juice is still on them.

We were so close yet so far, no one dared to close the gap. Or brave enough.

I grabbed onto her waist pulling her closer, her hand traveled all the way to my jaw. My eyes closed just when her hand retracted and slammed across my cheek.

A groan escaped my mouth at the sting, "Tu me dégoutes" (You disgust me)

She quickly took the glasses and her book off of the counter leaving the kitchen in an instant the only sound was the patter of her feet against the marble.

She is so much hotter when she's mad.

But I'd rather her happy.

Sorry for the short chapter! This was just a filler, a lot of things happening in the closing chapters!

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Sorry for the short chapter! This was just a filler, a lot of things happening in the closing chapters!

I actually can't believe this book is almost done, it really puts a tear in my eye :,(

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