Chapter 4

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The First Word

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The First Word

I KINDA MESSED UP, Vera was just there and I had so much stress that I'd completely ignored the fact that I'd invited Ellowyn to lunch. She must've been so embarrassed.

That's exactly how you treat a new employee Roman!

I yawned and got up from my king-sized bed and went into the modern themed bathroom, I quickly brush my teeth and take a shower dressing in the famous Armani suits I usually wear. The house was regularly filled with laughter in the mornings but ever since Amelia's leaving it's been...dark, empty. She was loved around here, I was sure it would pass since it's only been a month but it's still like the morning she had left.

"Welcome to another episode of guessing how expensive Romans suit is!" Alexandro bursts through my bedroom door as I was putting on my signature black tie, "I'm going to guess..." He analyzes my outfit and brushed a hand over his cheek.

"1,400!" He suspects and I shake my head laughing, "2,095"

He choked on air, "I get my shit from Walmart" He says pulling on his plain black t-shirt and jeans.

"Get out, Giovanni"

He gasps and pouts, "HOW DARE YOU USE MY FIRST NAME! YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I DESPISE IT!" I knew it was mean to get on his nerves like this but damn, how I loved it. He exits the room and I can hear his stomping down the stairs and I chuckle louder.

I put on my dress shoes and the doorbell rings, That must mean only one thing. I checked my phone and saw it was 9:30 on the dot. I smiled, I didn't like tardiness and supposedly she didn't either.

I nodded to Henry, one of my guards, to open the door. I stood in front of it ready to greet her just to see Vera screaming at Ellowyn.

"Your jealously will kill you slowly, Vera" Ellowyn whispered, turned to me, and entered the house. The air was tense until she spoke, "Mr. Vaughn" She nodded tightly and looked at Vera before turning to me again.

"Vera, go wait...somewhere," I spoke while keeping eye contact with Ellowyn and her heels rattled against the floor.

"A tour?" She asked and I was the one to nod. I took her to the kitchen where maids were scrambling to prepare breakfast. She frowned but I chose to ignore it, "Ladies! This is Ellowyn or Ms. Emmeret, you will be seeing her around more often!" I yell inside the kitchen and the ladies nod but Lina jumps up and down. Often how she reacts when I get a new employee.

"Where are your suitcases?" She pulls one from behind her, "You never told me I'd have to move in" She says almost scolding me and I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Well, It was in the contract. Maybe if you read it thoroughly you'd know"

"Well, maybe that's something you should have told me," She states before shrinking down from my glare. I hum and continue with the tour.

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