Chapter 24

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Mr. Green Eyes

HE- WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED- sent me a check the other day, 

I ripped it up into little pieces...then sent it back. 

I didn't need his money, I couldn't help but think it was a pity check. But Brendan was fitting into a great distraction, he helped me start working out and get my mind off of him. 

"Another set go!" My abdomen throbbed as I did another set of sit-ups. 

I flopped on the mat after I was done and Brendan threw a towel over my face. 

"Go clean yourself up, we're going shopping later," He said cheerfully just to skip out of the basement like a little child. 

I wiped my sweat off with the towel and marched up the stairs, my mother was in the kitchen making us a strawberry and banana smoothie.  

"Are those abs I see?" My mother questions, She looked 10x better than the night of the gala. She looked happier, a brand new person. She smiled as she put the strawberries inside the blender. 

"Abs?! Where?!" Brendan turned me around looking at my stomach looking at the small defined squares "Maybe I am useful!" 

"You can barely see them-" 

"SH! Don't ruin my 'thriving personal trainer' moment" He placed a finger on my mouth shushing me. 

I drink the smoothie and walk up to the bathroom to shower, 

Is Roman thinking of you? Maybe...Maybe not. 

I rush and turn on the warm water, undressing and getting under it. The warm water calms me down. I do my normal routine and I get my outfit out. 

It was a normal shopping outfit, a black graphic t-shirt, and Brendan's sweatpants. I pull out some white sneakers and pull them on. I had to go shopping because surprise...all my clothes were at Roman's mansion so this is one of the few outfits I have that Brendan kept. 

I put some sunglasses on my eyes walking down the stairs, I hear Brendan's voice. 

"Uhm...maybe you're at the wrong house?" 

"Uh- No. These are your 'best friends' clothes" 

Alexandro? Why is Alex here? 

I march up to the door, looking at the familiar head of blonde hair. 

"Look at you!" Alex smiled at me while I kept a cold look on my face. 

"These are my clothes?" I nodded at the brown boxes on the floor, Brendan left to get ready and I stayed on the door.  

"Uh- Yeah. Roman-" 

"Didn't want anything of mine in the house? No memories of the rat?" 

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