Chapter 10

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Maman...The Genius (Mom) 


My mom, My creator. But now, I was going to save her. I had no idea how but I'll do it. 

"You know how dangerous your father can be, Chérie" 

My mother and I were on a call, I promised her that one day I'd take her to America. Somewhere away from my father. Somewhere we could both be safe. 

The amount of times my mother has endured the harsh words of my father is uncountable. She defended me to her best ability sometimes resulting in her getting locked inside a dark room, the only source of food, the slim cookies I snuck her under the door. The thought made me cry every time.  

"I know Maman, But I don't keep empty promises, we just have to be smart" I searched on my laptops for plane tickets. My mother was the sweetest being on the earth. She deserved this. 

The truth behind my parent's marriage was strategy, it was an arranged marriage so my mother's parents could partner their company with my father's parents. They never fell in love. They just acted like it. Soon they had me and we were the perfect family.  

"Je t'aime tellement, ma fille" (I love you so much, daughter) 

I smiled, "I love you too, Maman"

"Enough of this depressing topic...Is there any man?" I sighed and rubbed my forehead thinking about the only man that'd piqued my interest.

"You ask the same question each time-"

"Ellowyn. Answer the question." She pressed.  

"Okay! Maybe...I don't know"

"What do you mean you don't know?" 

I switched languages afraid of anyone listening while I walked to my room, "Il y a un homme...mais c'est mon patron" (There is a man...but he's my boss)

She gasped and started laughing, "Votre patron!?" (Your boss?!)

"Aren't you supposed to be guiding me or something?" I rolled my eyes but she just kept on laughing. Another thing about my mother was that her laugh was almost contagious, and the fact she laughed about everything made it even worse. 

"Maman! I need help here! I have no idea where to take this" I began to pace my room with laughing softly. The twins were down for their afternoon nap giving me some time for myself before they woke up. 

"You know I and your father's story, But at first he did charm me...or more as I charmed him" 

"What do you mean by that, ma?" My eyebrows furrowed when she continued. 

"Your father was a bit nervous around me all the time, I like to think it was my beauty and not our situation"   

This reminded me a lot about me and Roman, he was always nervous around me. Barely could get a few words out when we were alone. Something even weirder was that he always had something covering his lap. I don't like to judge people but it's a bit mysterious. 

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