Chapter 6

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Super Dad

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Super Dad...(dy)

TODAY WAS GETTING stressful by the minute, Rhyia was currently cursing out the Russians for once again ambushing another one of our crate shipments and injuring some of our men. 

"HOW THE HELL ARE THEY GETTING THE ADDRESSES TO THE SHIPMENTS?!" She screamed at took another, no, chugged the bottle of tequila in her hand. 

"WE WERE BEING SO CAREFUL!" She continued and I sat there totally zoned out with only one thing on my mind. 

"Ro?! Are you even listening?" She banged on the dark wood desk catching my attention, "Sorry, Rhyia I just have a lot on my mind" 

"A lot on your mind? Are you serious?! What the hell is more important than this?"    

"Nothing is...Rhy, I just need some time alone" She scoffed and slammed the door on her way out. I put my head in my hands and let out a groan. 

I may regret this later but I needed something to forget the way I felt last night when I had found Ellowyn sleeping with my princess snuggled against her on the couch. I took the same bottle of tequila and poured myself a huge glass. 


I was already stressed with my father's stepmother calling me to announce she was coming with my father, To be honest, I hated her. Mostly because she was 3 years older than me and acted superior to me. With her obnoxious voice and way of dressing. To be honest she was just eye candy for my father, something to show off to all his friends.

She couldn't care less though, she loved the lavish and didn't have to move a finger. Even though my mother left us for unknown reasons I begged and pleaded she'd come back every day. Hoping that my father would forgive her and they'd fall in love again. Everything would be back to the way it was. 

I was wide awake in my bed after a day of signing so much back-to-back papers and approving shipments that my wrist hurt. I had one of my nightmares again. The nightmare where all was black and screaming could be heard from a distance. 

My mothers screams.      

They haunted me every night since the day she left, we had buried an empty casket hoping for some closure. 

It never came...something inside of me still believes that she's alive somewhere. I sighed and threw the massive duvet off of me and walked out the door heading downstairs for a drink. But something caught the corner of my eye. 

It was Ellowyn and Karah sleeping on the couch, at first fury flew through my body, didn't she know how dangerous sleeping with a baby on the couch is? Karah was placed on her chest, she could easily fall off.

Then admiration came in and I looked at them from the doorway of the kitchen, I forgot the drink and walked over to them. Stroking Ellowyns cheek, How could something delicate be so beautiful? 

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