Chapter 13

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Half Virgin

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Half Virgin


IT WAS A GIRLS NIGHT I hadn't endured many before but I wasn't opposed to it. I never had many friends growing up. Mostly because of my father's strict ways. 

This also meant no sex. But obviously, I started..experimenting when I was loose and free in New York City. I chewed on popcorn as the movie Pitch Perfect played on the huge TV and Lina rubbed her round belly while stuffing her hand in my popcorn. 

Noah was still around, I wasn't one for conflict no matter how hard I wanted to knock the bastard out for hitting Alina. He paid no attention to Lina but sometimes his eyes went to her stomach, the stomach that was growing his child. 

But he was dead to Lina, she swore wouldn't tolerate him any longer. Their relationship was over to her. 

"So Ellowyn...any new rendezvous?" Ezra -one of the maids I've gotten to know- asked.

"What do you mean?" I replied.

"The world is your oyster! You literally like both genders, you're telling me that you're not into anyone" My eyebrows raised and I choked on a piece of popcorn. 

"Wait...Have you never...y'know?" Soya -another one of the maids- asked. 

I just shook my head, I hadn't ever been with a man. I've had plenty of one-night stands with women...they were just easier but men were so much more complex. Just difficult and nasty...

"Oh, girl! You're missing out" Soya said as my lips fell in thin lines.

"Does this mean you're a virgin?" Lina asked concealing a laugh, "A half virgin?!" 

They all burst out laughing while I stuffed my face into one of the throw pillows. 

"I'm going to bed..." Soya yawned and stood up from the couch, "Later ladies" 

They all left one by one until it was just me and the movie. 

"A half virgin hm?" A familiar voice appeared behind me making me jump abruptly.  

"Merde!" I cursed turning around. (Shit!)   

I took a deep breath realizing who it was and what'd he just said. 

"Hello, Mr. Vaughn" His eyes narrowed, I was still slightly pissed that he canceled the date and I came to the realization that whatever we had should no longer continue over professional. I just couldn't resist him.  

"We're back to square one then?" He sighed before sitting next to me.

"You did this to yourself" I replied looking at the pretty gray carpet on the floor. 

"What even is this?" I was confused to distant ends, every day since the kiss was confusing. My heart exploded every time I was around him, but I couldn't just say that as if it were nothing.    

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠 [𝟏𝟖+] - ✓Where stories live. Discover now