Chapter 3

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The Secretary

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The Secretary

I'VE ONLY BEEN WITH THESE BABIES for a few minutes and I already love them. But I wondered why he needed a babysitter and where was the mother of these two buddles of joy? 

The door opened and a model-like woman with an impeccable figure walked in with red hair, a purple blouse, and a tight black skirt along with some black heels to complete the outfit. She sent a surprising sneer and dirty look towards me before putting on a seductive smile towards Mr. Vaughn. 

"Heres the contract...Sir " Alexandro let out something that seemed to be a gag and Mr.Vaughn glared at him, "There are children in here Hera! Have some respect!" He whisper-yelled and covered Sage's ears who looked at him puzzled. Roman just shook his head as if this happened every day.

"It's Vera" She sneered at Alexandro and he shrugged, "Tomato, Potatoe" I snorted and Alexandro looked at me with a playful smile. I tried to go back to the desk by handing Karah back the guard only for her to open her eyes, her lips to quiver, and tears to appear at her eyes. 

The male guard rushed in giving her back to me. 

"What did you do to her?!" Vera hurried over to me, "She did what you couldn't, Make a baby not cry" Alexandro spoke and rolled his eyes when she sent a death glare to him, I looked at Alexandro for further explanation and he was delighted to give it. 

"We call it the Vera effect...when she's around dogs bark, babies scream, cry, kick-" 

"I think she gets it Alexandro..." Roman bit his laugh and waved me over. I walked up to the desk with Karah in my arms and he smiled at the sight. Vera just snarled in disapproval.

"Vera, you're no longer needed please return to your desk" She nodded and sent me one last glare before leaving. 

"I feel like she hates me" I whisper towards Alexandro, "She hates every girl that comes 6 feet next to Roman" He whispered back. 

I nodded slowly and turned to Roman who was sorting out papers, and lord did he look hot doing it- 

He's your new boss El! Don't you dare blow it       

"Heres the contract, I have three simple rules. You shall not break them under any circumstances, Do you understand?" 

"Yes, Mr. Vaughn" His jaw clenches before he lets out a breath, "Rule number 1, You are not to disturb my privacy unless there's an emergency. Two, you are put your hands on my children and I'll sue you for every dollar you're worth" He sneers and I flinch at his tone. 

There's not much to sue for but go ahead

"Three, never take my kids anywhere without my permission and take guards with you everywhere when you're with them," He says looking at Karah who's sucking her thumb on my lap. He looks at me as if he has more to say but looks back down at the contract. I remove my hand from Karah's back causing her to whine but I rock her back to sleep on my lap. I take the pen without reading through the contract and I place my curvy signature down finalizing it. 

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