Chapter 9

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I FELT HORRIBLE for what happened to Ellowyn, she didn't deserve to be treated like that. So I spilled the news to her. Surprisingly she stayed.                     

As if I'd let her leave 

She sat on the couch with her legs crossed looking at the floor, "What does a 'mafia leader' actually do...?"

The whiskey running through my veins made me a bit brave, "I sell guns and corrupt governments, other mafias? Don't know. Don't care" I stared at the way she bit her lip out of nervousness.

"Where do you come from?" She asked now meeting my gaze, "Sicily, Italy"

A gorgeous smile appeared on her face, "I went there a few summers ago, it's beautiful"     

I think counting the number of freckles she has would be impossible, "So you know Italian?"

I nodded chugging the rest of the whiskey in my cup, I wanted to savor it little by little but I need a bit of confidence. I'm a complete idiot when it comes to her. Her beauty would make any man go crazy. Especially with that accent.

I stand up from the throne-like chair and sit next to her on the L-shaped couch. She turns her body towards me, her soft hand grabs my slightly bruised hand. It would be a bit safe to say me and Valero got into a bit of a disagreement which led me to punch one of his guards since I couldn't hurt the fucker himself.

"You have a successful business... why do you need to do...this on the side?" I looked into her green eyes.

"Life isn't pleasant to people like me, Bambina" (Baby)   

"I've had my fair share of life, trust me" She sighed, my eyebrows pinched together earning a humorless laugh "Let's just say...a tongue isn't a bone, may break a heart made of stone"

She stood up and held her hand out, "I'm not leaving you here"

I stared at her freshly painted white hands before placing mine in hers smirking at the size difference between them. Her hand tightened on mine and I stood up as she dragged me up the stairs and to my room. Both of us completely silent as she removed my dress jacket from my shoulders.

Something about her hands all over my body turned me on to the max, her hands glided on my shoulders without limits and I loved every second of it. She removed my shoes and placed them on the ground next to the bed. I observing her every move making sure not to miss anything. 

The pants she wore hugged her curves perfectly, "Into bed you go" She pulled back the covers and I entered them too tired to defend my masculinity.

She started to walk away before I grabbed her wrist pulling her back, "Wait" I sighed deeply before asking the question that could make her uncomfortable or swoon her completely.

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