Chapter 26

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No Regrets

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No Regrets


HIS SOFT LIPS CAPTURED MINE and this time I didn't want to let go, as if everything would disappear and crumble like broken glass.

He pulled me closer by my waist and tried to force his tongue into my mouth, I denied it.

A little teasing wouldn't bite.

But a loud smack to my arse made my mouth open and he surged through, I could feel his smirk through the kiss. The warm feeling of our youngest dancing pulled a soft moan from my mouth.

I felt the backseat door against my back as he tackled my neck in kisses, my panties were soaked by the feeling of it pressing against my thigh. I started the grind my thigh against his member and a deep groan exited his throat.

"God, you're such a tease" His hand circled my throat and he opened the backseat door pushing me against the soft cushion.

He looked hungry...but not for food. Lust covered every inch of his eye, his once green eyes now the color of the forest.

He closed the door behind him and made himself comfortable between my legs capturing my swollen lips once again.

"Do you want me to touch you?" I thought it over for a few seconds...He was supposed to be on a celibacy break...oh fudge it.

"Yes," I breathe out as his fingers get closer to my spot, I let out a whimper when he passed his index finger on the clothed heat.

"You want it bad don't you?" I nodded and my mind went blank as he started to rub circles. He's barely touched me and my legs were already shaking. Moans flew out of my mouth when he sped up, but there was a look of mischief in his eyes.

"Are you close, Bambina?" He said in a dark voice. (Baby)

"Y-Yes" I peered down and saw what he was doing, his fingers moved efficiently around my clit causing another moan. I felt the knot in my stomach tighten and he knew.

"Oh my god-" My eyes rolled to the back of my eyes just for the pleasure to disappear, I whined and looked at Roman.

"No! Why'd you do that?"

"I want you to cum around my dick, not on my fingers" A gasp came out of my mouth when he presses his head on my entrance.

His mouth attacks my neck and my nails plunge into his back when his raw member enters me- both of us letting out sounds of pleasure.

The sound of the rain blocked out by the harsh slaps of our bodies connecting, "Fuck- You feel so good, baby"

All of our clothes were scattered around the car, he slips out of me and sat on the car seat pulling me onto his lap.

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