Chapter 16

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Rhyia was currently screaming at the top of her lungs at me, "I was just going to simply apologize but I came here to find your tongue halfway down my brother's throat!" 

"Rhyia! That's enough!" Roman yelled at her but she came equally as hard. 

"And you're taking her to the gala?! Have you forgotten all about Amelia?" She said glaring at me and I almost shivered at the cold look. Roman just froze in his spot at the mention of his past love.  

"He'll drop you soon enough, you're the rebound and will always be the second choice" She stormed out slamming the door on her way out.  

I froze at her bitter words, what if it was the truth? Would he just drop me once he got tired and move on to the next? Will I always be the second choice?  

He basically did it with Vera...and the same way they come is the same way they go. 

Rhyia stormed out and Roman blew out a deep breath rubbing his forehead, "Please don't tell me you actually believe what she said, I only want you-" 

"Get out," I said sharply, I didn't want to scream at him but I needed time to think. 


"Please" I looked into his green eyes he froze before nodding. Once he closed the door I hopped into the shower to cool off.

I've accepted that Rhyia would always dislike me and our relationship will always be twisted, not as if she liked me from the first day I got here.

She was adamant that something was just fucking shady with me. I messed up in life a bunch of times. I won't deny it. I may even have difficulties but that's in the past. I'm not dwelling on the past any further than I already have. 

The past is a stepping stone to an infinite of milestones.

The ache in my heart remained as I thought of him, I wouldn't let him become a part of the past I now desperately want to forget. 

I already have a part of him wherever I go, ever since the night I stayed with him in his bed. His calm breathing, the soft snores. It embedded itself into my mind. The touches he spread, the kisses he laid. It was all a part of me now. 

He may be a living workaholic but to be completely honest all I wanted to do was make memories with him, things I could grow old with. Things I would take to my grave, things I could share and never get tired of speaking of. 

I was a hopeless romantic. Stories my mother used to read to me stayed in my mind. The stories of the Greek Gods and their love stories. How Persephone accepted Hade's as he was. How Aphrodite adored Aries. 

She said to never settle for a man who didn't have the bravery and desire Perseus had. He even led on to marry Andromeda in the end. It was a perfect happy ending. 

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