Chapter 12

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I FELT AWFUL FOR canceling the date...but the Russians had installed a war against us. 

"EVER SINCE YOU MET HER YOU'VE BEEN SLACKING SON!" My father decided that he'd stay long-term to help me. Not like I need the help "I've always been one for love-" 

"Is that why you let mother get away?" I yelled back slamming my hands on the desk, he looked at me with a shocked expression. There was an infinity of lies within the kidnapping of my mother. 

My father repeatedly told me that she left on her will but after that one night, I saw her getting taken by men in wool black hats from under the kitchen table I never believed him. She was kidnapped and no one could change my mind. 

My father was a saint to all the people he meets, he made it seem like he was angel Gabriel himself when really he was the devil in disguise. A plotting old man is worse than a young.       

"Your mother left us-"   

 "No, she didn't Marco! I saw her! I SAW HER GETTING TAKEN AWAY FROM US! AND SO DID YOU!" 


"Mama!" I screeched frustrated as I drank from the cup of water she'd given me. 

"Just a second, Hijo" She smiled putting a leaf of basil onto the plate of spaghetti putting it in front of me. (Child or Son)  

Rhyia was already eating her small portion of food trying her best to put the thin noodles in her mouth missing almost every time. I wouldn't expect anything less from a 5-year-old. She huffed before dropping her fork completely and resorting to her hands. 

"You're going to have to learn to use utensils soon, Mija" (Daughter) 

"But Mama! It not working!" She whined and used her chubby small fingers to enter a noodle into her mouth. Mama just laughed and headed to my father's study leaving us alone for the moment. 

The sound of a car in the driveway alerted me, it wasn't until the door was blown down was that I knew everything was about to go to hell. I pulled Rhyia under the dining table and I calmed her down the best way I could. I ran my fingers through her hair as she clutched onto me for dear life. 

My father stood at the top of the stairs as he watched my mother being dragged out of the house. He stood there. 

"HOW COULD YOU MARCO!?" My mother kicked and swung her arms, me and Rhyia were stuck under the table holding onto each other as my mother was drugged in front of us. Her limp body was thrown over the shoulder of a buff man and taken out of the house. 

"What's going on Roro? I'm scared" Rhyia whispered when she saw mother being carried out of the house. The closing of a van could be heard in the distance. 

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