Chapter 28

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Down In Flames

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Down In Flames

TW: Panic Attack 

I WOKE UP REFRESHED and ready for a new day. The safehouse was peaceful, it was quiet despite the constant footsteps of the guards. 

"There's a stable! With horses!" Brendan poured his voice into the room "We have to go see them" 

He tossed the covers off of my body, making the air conditioner's cold air nip at my bare legs. 

"No!, Brendan, It's 1:30 pm" I protested grabbing the covers again "It's not even morning yet" 

I slip on a pair of sandals and pulled out a random t-shirt dressed in it, doing the same with a pair of leggings. I make my way downstairs and there was the man himself. 

"Ro!" I instantly brighten up and wrap my arms around him just for him to give me an awkward pat on the back. 

My eyebrows furrowed when he wouldn't look at me, "Is something wrong?" 

"No, Ellowyn. Nothing is wrong" He said coldly and I flinched at his tone. 

"Ok..." I stiffly separated from him and headed to the backdoor, I felt his gaze on me the whole time. 

His energy slightly deflated my mood but I just figured he had a lot going on, I opened the door smelling the fresh air. But Brendan was right, a brown stable was in the distance a man petting a horse inside of it. 

I walked all the way to the stable walking up to the young man who smiles at me and sticks out his hand, "Hello pretty lady! The names Tucker...but you can call me Tuck" 

His southern accent charming me in an instant, "I'm Ellowyn...but you can call me El"          

"Would you like to meet him?" He points to the horse and I walk up to it. 

"This is Lucifer...just don't touch him-" I pass a hand over the top of the completely black horse, the only a spot of white on his nose. 

"He's beautiful" Tucker looked at me with shocked eyes as the horse breathed out and dug himself further into the touch of my hand. It was almost like a thank you and my grin widened.  

"He doesn't do that often..." His eyebrows furrowed in amusement "He mostly likes to kick- he doesn't like people touching him" 

"Well, it looks like he likes me" I take an apple from a bucket and stick it out towards Lucifer who picks it up carefully. 

"Do you want to go for a ride? There's a path not far out" Tucker smiled a big flirtatious smile and I nodded. 

I watched as he put on the saddle, also giving me a pair of knee-high boots to switch out for my cheetah print sandals. 

Tucker holds my waist as I get up onto it, and I smile at him.    

I stroke the horse's mane, he wasn't kicking or acting up as Tucker told me about earlier. He was calm. Tuck reaches up and ties a helmet around my head giving it a tiny pat once it was on.  

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