Chapter 5

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I Respectfully Hate Him

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I Respectfully Hate Him

I CAN'T BELIEVE that I stood there staring at his chest like an idiot, it was just the tattoos were so attractive. I had none but seeing them on other people-hot people- was just so...fascinating. 

You sound like a creep   

I snapped out and looked at Dakota who was in her cage sleeping...or he passed out. I planned to take him to the vet whenever I had the chance. Which I wished was soon since I couldn't take care of him without help. 

"Are you okay? You've been standing there for a long while" I heard a familiar voice, Rhyia. 

"Yeah...Just thinking" I internally winced at my poor choice of words. 

"Oh really? Thinking about what?" She came closer, To be all honest she intimidated me...a lot. The energy she radiated was so powerful, Sometimes I wished to be just like her and I'd hardly been here a day.  

"Just random things..." I looked to her to see her eyes narrowed at me, I shrunk slightly. 

She suddenly appeared in front of me, "I will find everything you're hiding and when I do...I'll destroy you. Mark my words Ellowyn Emmeret" I stood frozen and took a deep breath when she left.

I was not getting off on a good start, I thought over her words...I wasn't hiding anything. I may have run away from home but for good reason, I heard rumors that my dad had an underground business but I never made it my job to ever find out. I was afraid of the outcome of my digging. 

What if he does? What if Rhyia finds out about it? What will happen to my parents, to Maman? (Mom) 

I scratched the top of my nose -a nervous tic- until someone grabbed my hand and put it to my side. 

"It isn't fit for a woman to be picking her boogers," Roman said with a smirk on his face and I panicked, "I w-wasn't-" 

"I was just kidding, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be taking care of my kids?" My eyes widened and I grabbed the handle of Dakota cage carefully making sure not to hurt him further and rushing out the kitchen until he called me back.  

"Ellowyn! I was kidding, the kids are with Rhyia and Ethan" 

"Stop doing that!" I frowned which made him look at my lips with lustful eyes, I stuck my lips into a straight line, and my face heated up by the way he was now looking at every part of my body. I placed the cage on the floor by the doorway and came back into the kitchen taking a water bottle trying to hide my probably red face.   

He came closer and I took two steps back, "Do I make you nervous, amore?" (Love)  

"N-No It's that you-" I stumbled over my words. 

"I what?" He came closer and successfully backed me into the wall of the kitchen, I had to do something. I had to get away somehow. He is my boss...we couldn't be doing this. 

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠 [𝟏𝟖+] - ✓Where stories live. Discover now