Chapter 22

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The Grand Escape

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The Grand Escape

NOW TO GET OUT OF HERE without being seen...The kitchen seems the easiest route.

I grabbed my mother's hand and we both walked to the entrance of the kitchen pushing through the double doors. A few looks from people running around were tossed towards us but I couldn't focus on that right now. I pushed through the employee door feeling the frosty air of the alleyway. 

Two guards were standing at the entrance of it smoking something, I looked towards my mother who was muttering words under her breath and looking up at the night sky. 

She was praying for our safety. 

"Act normal" I whispered to her and she nodded. We both walked the alleyway, I holding up the dress that was bound to drag on the ground. 

"What are you two beautiful ladies doing here?" One of the guards looked at us alerting the other guard next to him. 

"There was a tiny incident inside and I need to get" The guard's eyes roamed over me making me cringe. 

"Alright...Do you need a ride?" He asked holstering his gun. 

"No, Thank you" We hurried past the two guards and I hopped into Roman's car the driver looking at me weird. 

"Take me to 109 Silver Lane, Please" I pleaded at him and he looked at me and my mother confused before driving away. 

"Where are we going, El?" My mother asked. 

"To my best friend's apartment, it's too risky to go to mine" That would be the first place Roman would check, I couldn't risk it. 

Escaping with Novalee Emmeret would definitely set something off in that smart brain of his. My mother laid her head on the window. I couldn't help but notice the dark circles under her eyes. She looked malnourished, dehydrated...I can't even think of what she had to go through when my father found out I had left. 

"Ms. Emmeret" Me and my mother jumped up, I smiled as a sorry. 

"That house over there...145," I said through the partition. He drove into the driveway of the large house. 

"Thank you..." I looked at his nametag "Jillian, I only have one other request...Please don't tell Roman about this" 

"M-Ma'am I can't" His old hazel eyes looked baffled before his eyes softened at my mother's resting figure. 

"Please, Jillian," I thought for a second, "I just need to drop my mother off here, I'll be right back"  

He nodded and I blew him a kiss, I helped my mother out of the car and I ran up to the porch. 

I tapped on the doorbell, a few footsteps sounded before his deep voice rang.  

"Who is it?" 

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠 [𝟏𝟖+] - ✓Where stories live. Discover now