Chapter 11

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We Never Have Forever

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We Never Have Forever.



I had no idea what to wear, what the heck do you wear to dinner? What if I overdress? What if I underdress?

"I can hear the overthinking from over here, Right Sage?" Lina said rubbing her 16-week protruding stomach. Sage chewed on small banana treats from a tiny cup watching me giggling as Lina tickled his stomach.

I settled with a black strap dress with a long slit up the left leg, I leave my neck bare but I pair it with some bracelets, rings, and earrings.

I returned to the room after putting my hair up in a messy ponytail and putting a decent amount of makeup on

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I returned to the room after putting my hair up in a messy ponytail and putting a decent amount of makeup on. I slip Lina's black stiletto heels she let me try out.

"You look beautiful! Doesn't she Sagey?" Lina held him up so he could take a look at me and clapped his little hands.

"Mama!" Both me and Lina looked at him shocked as he stuffed toddler puff treats inside his mouth as if he hadn't just eaten dinner.

Lina looked at me shocked as I smiled brightly at him, "He's forgotten about Amelia already"

"Who's Amelia?" I say curious and she covers her mouth as if she were a toddler caught eating the forbidden candy.

"Uh...Do you hear that? I think I uh...I hear Judas calling" She took her shoes and scattered out of the room leaving me and a confused Sage whose piercing silvery eyes looked at me with wonder.

It was a no-brainer who looked the most like their father but Sage...he had a lighter color of hair- almost a dark chocolate brown and gray eyes while Karah had her own piercing green eyes and pitch-black hair.

"You look just like your mommy huh?" I bent down in front of the bed and let Sage clutch my finger.

"Dada!" He shrieked moments later and I spun around almost instantly and smoothed out my dress when I saw Roman standing at the door staring at a specific part of my body.

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